<br /> Arden Hills Service Directory News from Around the Town Benchmarks: a review of recent City Council action
<br /> 1245 West Highway 96
<br /> Arden Hills, AM Highway
<br /> 6 Council denies consent on 1-694 project October 25, 2010 November 15, 2010 Accepted Joe Rueb's resignation and
<br /> • Approved payment number 2 on Approved purchase of a used genera- authorized staff to fill accounting
<br /> Mn/DOT project to upgrade highway noise problems.To help ad- CP Rail Trail Improvements in the for and associated equipment for Lift analyst position(5-0)
<br /> Office Hours the section of I-694 that passes dress this Mn/DOT is putting u sound amount of$152 316.97 5-0
<br /> 8 4:30 p.m. p g p � ( ) Station no. 8,total price not to exceed
<br /> Monday to Friday hrough Arden Hills is slated to be- walls.The portions that meet the state $43,000(5-0) Approved the Parks Maintenance
<br /> gin in July 2011.This project will address cost effectiveness formula will be paid Approved a public hearing for host Management Plan with the addition
<br /> 651-792-7800 safety and capacity issues,including lane for by Mn/DOT;the City is paying for approval for$19,000,000 City of Approved the 2011 Pavement Man- of language for Crepeau Natural
<br /> wwwweaves,left-lane entrances,and deterio- additional sound wall.The City wants Bloomington Senior Housing Refund- agement Program resolution receiving Preserve regarding invasive species
<br /> Sheriff
<br /> and
<br /> Fir-h mergenc ratingpavement and bridges.This project to have the length and location of the in Revenue Bonds Gideon Pond 4-1 Holmes
<br /> Sheriff and Fire Emergency p g p J g g ( the feasibility report and ordering the ( )
<br /> 911 is also intended to position the roadway planned sound walls clearly marked in Commons,LLC Project),Series 2010 public hearing(5-0)
<br /> for the creation of additional lanes in the the project plan.It also requests that (5-0) Approved Resolution 2010-059 order-
<br /> Sheri6 (non-emergency) future. soil displaced b the project be used to in abatement at 1960 County Road
<br /> 651-484-3366 p y p � Approved Resolution 2010-057 order- g h'
<br /> build berms in noise-prone areas not Approved Resolution 2010-056 set- ing abatement at 3223 Lake Johanna E2 for a fallen tree(5-0)
<br /> Fire(non-emergency) Before the Arden Hills CityCouncil will suited to sound walls. tin TIF hearing date to December
<br /> 651-633-2404 g g Blvd.for a diseased tree(5-0)
<br /> Water and Sewer Problems give its support to this project,it wants 13,2010,for proposed Presbyterian Approved Ordinance 2010-012
<br /> to be certain the changes will not make Trails and non-motorized access.The Homes Redevelopment(5-0) Approved Lexington Avenue Side- amending the Zoning Code to allow
<br /> (During non-business hours) other traffic worse in the City,and better CityCouncil is seeking assurances that institutional housing as a permitted
<br /> 651-484-3366 g walk and Trail project payment no. 1 g
<br /> yet,will actually provide benefits for the existing non-motorized access will not Accepted third quarter financial re- (5-0) use within the B-2 District with an
<br /> Mayor: who live and work in Arden Hills be diminished b this project.This
<br /> Stan Harpstead 651-604-9097 people ' y p .1 ports as presented(5-0) approved Planned Unit Development
<br /> Councilmembers: not just for those who drive through the includes shifting roads to make space Approved a request to redeem and and approved Planning Case 10-009,
<br /> area. for trails and adding pedestrian bridges Approved Ordinance 2010-011 re a revenue bonds issued b the and the Development Agreement,for
<br /> David Grant n 651 636-2 over 1-694 and Highway 10. amending Chapter 2 Section 210.03 prepay
<br /> p y y a Master and Final PUD to allow Ar-
<br /> Brenda Holden 651-636-2987 g y g p City of Arden Hills(conduit debt
<br /> Fran Holmes 651-631-1866 Unconvinced that this is yet the case,on Subd. 1 Regular Meetings and Chap- Presbyterian Homes,Resolution den Hall to continue as a permanent
<br /> October 25 the City Council voted not to Aesthetics.The City Council seeks ter 2,Section 210.03,Subd.3, Special 2010-060)(5-0) use(4-1 McClung)
<br /> Dave McClung 651-332-0352 give municipal consent to this project as Mn/DOT's commitment to use the Meetings(5-0)
<br /> currently designed.The Council cited 14 Architectural and its Aesthetic Design Approved Resolution 2010-061 giv-
<br /> City Administrator: conditions it wants met.The details are Guidelines for I-694,dated Jul 2002. Approved Resolution 2010-052
<br /> Patrick Klaers 651-792-7810 y pP ing final approval to the proposed
<br /> available on the City's web site;they fall disapproving the final layout of I-694/ issuance of revenue notes for North-
<br /> into the following five categories: Cost containment. Since Mn/DOT is TH51 with the conditions included western College(5-0)
<br /> Communications Committee: running this project but the City will (5-0)
<br /> Arlene Mitchell,editor;Kristine Go- . Impact on surrounding roads.The be paying for portions of it,the City
<br /> odrich;Brenda Holden City suspects that the planned changes wants to know that its potential costs are
<br /> Council Liaison: Dave McClung to the Ispec ramp configuration will capped. Specifically,it wants al know Recently completed railroad bridge passage improves pedestrian safety
<br /> Staff Liaison: Becky Bry N affect traffic patterns a mile or more on that the City's portion of the sound wall
<br /> Desktop Publisher: Mary Noiek either side of I-694. It wants to see cost will not exceed the amount stated in A passage under the Canadian Pacific The bridge passage was funded primar- placement was finished in December and a
<br /> projected traffic models for an area the plan. If changing traffic patterns Railway Bridge on Old Highway ily by State Aid Funds.The City Council few"punch list"items will be done in the
<br /> Council meetings are held at City Hall roughly outlined b Lexington Avenue necessitate improvements to nearby 0 is now ready for pedestrians. approved the project last March.Con- spring.The passage will be snow-plowed
<br /> on the second and last Monday of the g y y � p y pp p J
<br /> Highway 96,Hamlin Avenue/High- roads,the City also wants assurances This road near Bethel University is busy struction commenced in August and was throughout the winter.
<br /> month at 7 p.m.Meetings are televised way 51,and County Road E.Of special Mn/DOT will provide funding. with both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. mostly complete in November.Turf re-
<br /> live on Cable Channel 16.Meetings of concern is the effect the closure of the There currently is no sidewalk or trail,
<br /> the Planning Commission are televised Hamline Avenue off-and on-ramps will What is next?The next step is further so walkers and bicyclists use the road's
<br /> after t
<br /> at r t p.m.on the first Wednesday have as traffic shifts to the ramps on negotiation between the City and shoulder.At the railroad bridge there is
<br /> he first Monday of the month. Lexington Avenue.Much of this traffic Mn/DOT.The Municipal Consent law no shoulder.The City has built a passage
<br /> Playbacks of City meetings begin the will use County Road F and its inter- provides for an appeal process to help through the west side of the bridge foot-
<br /> morning after the meeting and continue sections with Hamline and Lexington resolve differences between a city and ings so pedestrians no longer need to enter
<br /> every day until the next City meeting. Avenues. The City wants to know that Mn/DOT.The Appeal Board can accept the roadway.
<br /> Playbacks are 3 a.m., 11 a.m.,and 7 the impact on surrounding roads has the plan as presented or recommend
<br /> p.m.Monday through Friday,and 7 been taken into account in Mn/DOT's modifications to the plan.Because I-694 The passage includes a short segment of
<br /> a.m.,2 p.m.,and 10 p.m.on Saturday project plan. is part of the interstate highway system, trail both north and south of the bridge.
<br /> and Sunday.For web casts,visit www. if this appeal process does not result in The City's Parks,Trails and Open Space
<br /> Noise mitigation.There is concern in a project design both sides can agree to, Plan calls for a trail to someday be built
<br /> Arden Hills that the planned changes the Commissioner of Transportation has along the entire length of Old Highway
<br /> letter
<br /> Arden Hills Notes f the official news- to I-694,coupled with the redesign of the final option to overrule the Appeal 10/Old Snelling Avenue—from Highway
<br /> the City of Hills,an the intersection of Highways 96 and 10, Board's findings and moving the project 51 to County Road 96.Due to fund-
<br /> equal-oo equal-opportunity emmployploy er. another project also scheduled to begin forward as designed.For this reason,it ing limitations,no timeline has yet been
<br /> next summer,will worsen the existing is important to the City to get as many established.
<br /> of its concerns written into the project R.
<br /> 2 design as possible. 3
<br />