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06-13-2023 PTRC
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06-13-2023 PTRC
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes May 16, 2023 Page 2 <br />Mr. Kelliher asked if there would be any finish to the house or roof. <br />Mr. Boldt said he could possibly finish the roof, but they have to be selective about what they do <br />to the house so the bees will nest in it. For now he is working on his proposal to the Boy Scout <br />district and the rest of the plan could be done working with the City after that. He’d like to put at <br />least a few houses in Floral Park, but he’d like suggestions for other parks. <br />Mr. Kelliher wondered if the height of the houses made them too accessible for kids to mess with <br />them or get stung. <br />Mr. Boldt said these types of bees are relatively harmless and wouldn’t sting people. <br />Chair Hinton said it sounded like the bees would really be in them over the winter. <br />Committee Member Dietz said there are some bees in Floral park in the bamboo shoots and you <br />wouldn’t know they were there. <br />Mr. Boldt said they could place the houses on the bamboo. <br />Chair Hinton asked when he wanted to start. <br />Mr. Boldt said he process with the Boy Scouts takes about two months to plan and implement, so <br />he’d like to install them in the fall or late summer. <br />Chair Hinton asked if anyone had ideas for what parks other than Floral would work. <br />Mr. Boldt said they bees would generally stay around the gardens or nearby other plants they <br />could pollinate. <br />Committee Member Jacobson said the Girl Scouts put in a pollinator garden at Johanna Marsh <br />last fall, so this would be a good addition. <br />A motion was made by Committee Member Kelliher and seconded by Committee Member <br />Dietz to approve the proposed bee houses with the request that Mr. Boldt return with the <br />number of houses and locations. Motion passed unanimously. <br />3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />A.April 18, 2023 PTRC Minutes <br />A motion was made by Committee Member Kelliher and seconded by Committee Member <br />Seemann to approve the minutes as amended. Motion passed unanimously. <br />4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A.PTRC Member Updates
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