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<br />-35- <br />NOTE 4 – CAPITAL ASSETS <br /> <br />Capital asset activity for the year ended December 31, 2022 was as follows: <br /> <br />A. Governmental Activities <br /> <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Governmental activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Land 2,679,818$ –$ (10,351)$ –$ 2,669,467$ <br />Construction in progress 2,369,392 1,625,442 – (1,904,411) 2,090,423 <br />Total capital assets, not being depreciated 5,049,210 1,625,442 (10,351) (1,904,411) 4,759,890 <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 7,261,277 – – 322,191 7,583,468 <br />Infrastructure and improvements 22,909,914 – – 1,582,220 24,492,134 <br />Machinery and equipment 1,000,656 83,476 (66,670) – 1,017,462 <br />Office furniture and equipment 153,553 – – – 153,553 <br />Vehicles 2,231,816 105,341 (65,104) – 2,272,053 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated 33,557,216 188,817 (131,774) 1,904,411 35,518,670 <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures 3,794,030 225,428 – – 4,019,458 <br />Infrastructure and improvements 5,253,090 541,636 – – 5,794,726 <br />Machinery and equipment 714,602 43,391 (39,793) – 718,200 <br />Office furniture and equipment 139,748 4,948 – – 144,696 <br />Vehicles 1,090,741 171,920 (61,551) – 1,201,110 <br />Total accumulated depreciation 10,992,211 987,323 (101,344) – 11,878,190 <br />Total capital assets being depreciated – net 22,565,005 (798,506) (30,430) 1,904,411 23,640,480 <br />Governmental activities capital assets – net 27,614,215$ 826,936$ (40,781)$ –$ 28,400,370$ <br /> <br />B. Business-Type Activities <br /> <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Business-type activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Construction in progress 1,585,722$ 1,062,328$ –$ (1,912,425)$ 735,625$ <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 835,040 – – – 835,040 <br />Distribution and collection systems 28,367,234 – – 1,912,425 30,279,659 <br />Machinery and equipment 641,298 – (2,236) – 639,062 <br />Office furniture and equipment 8,415 – (8,415) – – <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated 29,851,987 – (10,651) 1,912,425 31,753,761 <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures 296,436 41,544 – – 337,980 <br />Distribution and collection systems 10,301,710 646,472 – – 10,948,182 <br />Machinery and equipment 339,026 25,868 (2,236) – 362,658 <br />Office furniture and equipment 8,415 – (8,415) – – <br />Total accumulated depreciation 10,945,587 713,884 (10,651) – 11,648,820 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated – net 18,906,400 (713,884) – 1,912,425 20,104,941 <br />Business-type activities capital assets – net 20,492,122$ 348,444$ –$ –$ 20,840,566$ <br />