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<br />-13- <br />GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES <br /> <br />The following graph reflects the City’s General Fund expenditures, budget and actual, for 2022: <br />Parks and Recreation <br />Public Works <br />Public Safety <br />General Government <br />General Fund Expenditures <br />Budget to Actual <br /> Budget Actual <br />Total General Fund expenditures for 2022 were $5,203,012, which was $215,158 (4.0 percent) under the <br />final budget. As presented in the budgetary comparison schedule (within the City’s ACFR), expenditure <br />variances were both favorable and unfavorable within the various functions and departments, while <br />overall, they remained within total appropriations approved by the City Council. The functions for general <br />government, public works, and parks and recreation were under budget, largely in personal services and <br />other services and charges. The public safety function was $35,381 over budget, mainly in other services <br />and charges for police and animal control. <br /> <br />The following graph presents the City’s General Fund expenditures by function for the last five years: <br /> General <br />Government Public Safety Public Works Parks and <br />Recreation <br />2018 $1,039,772 $2,088,345 $579,535 $653,977 <br />2019 $1,058,275 $2,399,296 $632,531 $679,589 <br />2020 $927,319 $2,435,773 $675,739 $547,787 <br />2021 $1,014,282 $2,708,137 $618,236 $626,629 <br />2022 $1,077,037 $2,546,051 $914,148 $665,776 <br />$– <br /> $250,000 <br /> $500,000 <br /> $750,000 <br /> $1,000,000 <br /> $1,250,000 <br /> $1,500,000 <br /> $1,750,000 <br /> $2,000,000 <br /> $2,250,000 <br /> $2,500,000 <br /> $2,750,000 <br /> $3,000,000 <br />General Fund Expenditures by Function <br />Year Ended December 31, <br /> <br />Overall, General Fund expenditures increased $235,728 (4.7 percent) from the prior year. The largest <br />increase was in public works for other services and charges for street maintenance as anticipated in the <br />budget.