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-i- <br />April 26, 2023 <br />To the Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council, <br /> and Citizens of the City of Arden Hills, Minnesota <br />State law requires that every general-purpose local government publish a complete set of audited financial <br />statements. This report is published to fulfill that requirement for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. <br />Management assumes full responsibility for the completeness and reliability of the information contained <br />in this report, based upon a comprehensive framework of internal control that it has established for this <br />purpose. Because the cost of internal control should not exceed anticipated benefits, the objective is to <br />provide reasonable, rather than absolute assurance that the financial statements are free of any material <br />misstatements. <br />Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich & Co., P.A. (MMKR), Certified Public Accountants, have <br />issued an unmodified (“clean”) opinion on the City of Arden Hills, Minnesota’s (the City) financial <br />statements for the year ended December 31, 2022. The independent auditor’s report is located at the front <br />of the financial section of this report. <br />The management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) immediately follows the independent auditor’s report <br />and provides a narrative introduction, overview, and analysis of the basic financial statements. The MD&A <br />complements this letter of transmittal and should be read in conjunction with it. <br />PROFILE OF THE GOVERNMENT <br />The City, incorporated in 1951, is a northern suburb of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area, situated <br />in Ramsey County. The City occupies 9.65 square miles and serves an estimated population of 9,996. The <br />City is empowered to levy a property tax on both real and personal property located within its boundaries. <br />The City operates under the “Optional Plan A” form of government as defined in Minnesota Statutes. Under <br />this plan, the government of the City is directed by a City Council composed of an elected mayor and <br />four elected councilmembers. The City Council exercises legislative authority and determines all matters <br />of policy. The City Council appoints personnel responsible for the proper administration of all affairs <br />relating to the City. Councilmembers serve four-year terms, with two members elected every two years. <br />The mayor is elected for a four-year term. The mayor and members of the City Council are elected at large. <br />The City provides a full range of services: the construction and maintenance of streets and other <br />infrastructure; recreational and cultural activities; water, sewer, surface water management, and recycling <br />systems; community development, building inspection, and planning; and general government operations, <br />including administration, finance/accounting, community information (newsletter), and general <br />government buildings. The City contracts with Ramsey County for police services, Lake Johanna Fire <br />Department for fire services, and Metro-INET for information services. <br />-i-
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