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'I't <br />-fiikizNHiLLs <br />Approved: July 10, 2023 <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA <br />CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />JUNE 20, 2023 <br />5:00 P.M. - ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Grant called to order the City Council <br />Work Session at 5:00 p.m. <br />Present: Mayor David Grant, Councilmembers Brenda Holden, Emily Rousseau, <br />Tena Monson and Tom Fabel (excused at 6:27 pm) <br />Absent: None <br />Also present: City Administrator Dave Perrault, Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />David Swearingen, Assistant Public Works Director Lucas Miller, Assistant to the City <br />Administrator/City Clerk Julie Hanson, Senior Communications Coordinator Luke <br />Cardona, HR Green Project Manager Chris Harrington, HR Green Project Engineer <br />Thomas Jantscher, and Bolton & Menk Principal Engineer Mike Waltman <br />Mayor Grant stated he had a request to move item 5E to be the first Presentation Item. He <br />explained that due to the large number of items he had divided the agenda into three different <br />sections to hopefully make the meeting go faster. The first section was Informational Items similar <br />to Consent Items on a regular agenda, that could be pulled if someone wants to talk about them. <br />The next section are items where staff has questions they'd like to ask the Council. The <br />Presentation section will have discussions that will take time. Section 6 is where they will put <br />pulled items so as to be respectful of the time of contractors that are presenting in the Presentation <br />section. <br />Councilmember Monson requested Item 3C be pulled from the Informational Items to be <br />discussed as Item 6A. <br />1. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br />Linda Swanson, 1124 Ingerson Road, stated there was a total lack of transparency as promised in <br />campaigns. Residents are not getting the JDA Advisory minutes in a timely manner, and they <br />have to follow a convoluted series of links to get to them. The June 9 JDA Advisory minutes <br />weren't loaded until June 16, the JDA Advisory committee met on June 15 and as of last night <br />those minutes aren't available. Someone said they consider the JDA Advisory meetings similar to <br />regular staff meetings. In staff meetings do they talk about projects costing the city millions of <br />dollars, density issues and other major issues without a councilmember being present? Why is the <br />