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08-07-2023 JDA Agenda Packet
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08-07-2023 JDA Agenda Packet
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8/4/2023 8:57:33 AM
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8/4/2023 8:57:13 AM
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also creating a land use and comprehensive plan for TCAAP. She hoped that this summary <br />would help clarify what the City has been doing to prepare TCAAP for development. <br /> <br />Linda Swanson, 1124 Ingerson Road, asked Commissioner Fabel to be transparent with respect <br />to the JDA Advisory Committee meetings. She reported this was a unique committee that <br />would be guiding the development of TCAAP and these meetings should be allowed to be seen <br />by all residents. She asked that this committee not remain hidden because this was not <br />transparent. <br /> <br />Donna Weiman, 1406 Arden View Drive, indicated it has been stated Ramsey County’s finances <br />have changed in the last few years. She explained she would like to better understand how the <br />County’s finances have changed and what are the reasons. She also wanted to understand what <br />these changes mean for TCAAP and the citizens of Arden Hills. She questioned if a <br />redevelopment director had been selected for this project. She understood the County wanted <br />15,000 deeply affordable housing units in Ramsey County. She requested the County provide <br />what this income level would be for a family of four. She stated up to 740 more units were <br />being considered for TCAAP and she inquired how this would be accommodated on the TCAAP <br />site. She asked when the County would provide the proposed development terms to Arden <br />Hills. She believed it was reasonable that a draft timeline was known and she believed the <br />citizens of Arden Hills should know this too. <br /> <br />Kathy Sukke, 1286 Karth Lake Circle, was of the opinion this committee was stacked at its <br />reemergence by the City and beyond. She stated it was nice that Commissioner Frethem was <br />able to attend these meetings after skipping mediation. She expressed concern with the fact <br />Commissioner Frethem was interested in a density of 2500 units on TCAAP. She feared that <br />Chair Wicklund replacing a citizen of Arden Hills was stacking the deck in favor of the slate. She <br />expressed concern with the fact Commissioner Fabel and Commissioner Frethem were meeting <br />with the developer without these meetings being open to the public. She indicated this does <br />not bode well for Arden Hills. She feared the slate members (Councilmembers Rousseau, <br />Monson and Fabel) were breaking open meeting laws by having an agenda approved before the <br />Council meetings, thus blocking anything that gets in the way of their group think. She stated <br />there is no transparency when it comes to this project and no use of existing insight when it <br />comes to this complicated business. She believed the 8,000 residents of Arden Hills deserved <br />better. She urged the JDA and City Council to begin respecting the taxpayers and citizens of <br />Arden Hills. She recommended an audit function be put in place for each of the critical areas of <br />this project in order to consider the viability of this project. She recommended all future <br />communication with the public be open, timely and honest, not buried in a website. She <br />recommended open houses and public comments be taken before this project moves forward. <br />She suggested an accurate and current traffic study be completed including North Heights and <br />newer developments surrounding TCAAP. She requested the JDA not ruin Arden Hills the way <br />Roseville has been ruined. She discussed how the push for density was four years too late and <br />reiterated that a judge ruled in favor of the City. She did not want to see lousy dense housing <br />on TCAAP as a make up to Ramsey County. She was of the opinion 1200 to 1300 units would be <br />appropriate and livable on TCAAP and would not strain the residents of Arden Hills. She
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