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08-07-2023 JDA Agenda Packet
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08-07-2023 JDA Agenda Packet
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8/4/2023 8:57:33 AM
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8/4/2023 8:57:13 AM
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understand where this leads the JDA. She hoped that by providing new information, fears <br />would be calmed, questions would be answered and the public would feel engaged. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel stated he believed it would be important to help the public understand <br />that the JDA was coming into a process that has been ongoing for 10 years and many decisions <br />were made prior to the current JDA coming into existence. It was important for the public to <br />understand this was not just starting fresh, but rather this was a JDA which has come to a <br />process that was ongoing and some changes were going to be needed due to the five year <br />hiatus. He saw value in the history of this project being addressed. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson recommended a cohesive vision be presented to the public in order to <br />make the public aware of the good that can come out of this project. In addition, she wanted <br />the economics of this project to be cleanly presented to the public. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund questioned what success would look like at these events. <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinhardt stated she was uncertain how to define this with a number. She <br />questioned how many people typically attend County events. Director Collins recommended <br />success not be quantified but rather that success be articulated by the diverse thought, interest <br />and engagement from the public. She commented further on how the County holds their <br />community engagement events. She hoped an event would have a strong local and regional <br />voice that was interested in the project. She hoped a diverse group of individuals would carve <br />out the time to attend the community engagement event. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson questioned how many people attended Commissioner Frethem’s event. <br />She believed the Commissioner Frethem held a very successful community engagement event. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel did not anticipate the JDA would receive an enormous crowd, nor did he <br />believe a cross representation would be in attendance. He hoped the JDA would be satisfied <br />after the event was completed and that thorough information was provided to the public. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund inquired if there was any creative hook that could be used to drive people to <br />the event. <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinhardt stated for this type of event, professionals would be used to help <br />assist with marketing the event in order to catch people’s attention. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund summarized the comments from the JDA noting the goals of community <br />engagement events were to build relationship and trust, to provide clear data for the public, <br />and to provide a vision with 3D renderings for the project. It was his hope that having the City <br />and County officials standing side by side on this issue, this would help in breaking the tension. <br /> <br />Director Collins commented on how words matter and stressed that as the JDA speaks about <br />housing, it be referred to as housing infrastructure in order to cover all housing types and
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