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05-01-23 JDA
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Joint Development Authority (JDA)
JDA Minutes
05-01-23 JDA
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Commissioner Frethem noted the JDA has not yet approved a budget. She recommended a <br />budget be considered along with a community engagement process. She suggested the JDA be <br />considerate about the goals noting a lot of work has been done on this project already over the <br />past decade. It was her hope the JDA could build on this, while hearing and identifying the <br />priorities from the public for this project. <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinhardt commented on what a great job Commissioner Frethem does with her <br />community engagement events and suggested she be a point person for future JDA events. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund suggested a JDA member from the City spearhead this because there might be <br />different goals. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel stated there was a lot of enthusiasm from the Arden Hills residents to get <br />this project moving forward. He noted the difficulty was there was only one scenario for the <br />public to consider for this project. He indicated the JDA could lay this scenario out for the public <br />to consider. He was of the opinion the JDA needed to consider more scenarios for the project <br />given how the environment has changed over the past five years. <br /> <br />Commissioner Frethem recommended the JDA start with identifying values for the project and <br />discussed how these values would drive the development scenarios. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund asked if it would make sense for the JDA Advisory Committee to meet with Ms. <br />Swenson to talk about status type events and to clarify goals from Arden Hills and Ramsey <br />County in order to move this project forward. Director Collins stated this was a nice segue into <br />the Roadmap conversation that the JDA would be holding at this meeting. <br /> <br />Commissioner Frethem questioned how media requests should be addressed. Ms. Swenson <br />suggested this be a part of the process conversations. She explained the JDA would have to <br />determine how staff would handle requests. Director Collins discussed how Ramsey County has <br />managed proactive media comments in the past, noting Ms. Swenson would triage the <br />statements. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson stated she could support this so long as all members of the JDA were <br />looped in the process. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel indicated this sounds like a nice idea, but he questioned how JDA members <br />should handle a call from the press. <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinhardt explained when she receives a call, she contacts the communication <br />staff person along with the Chair of the Board and questions how to handle the matter. She <br />reported with JDA matters, Ms. Swenson would then be able to triage the situation. She <br />indicated she would not come out against the Board or the JDA once they have taken action. <br />
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