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Commission and City Council for a Conditional Use Permit. The draft language would require a <br />distance separation of a lower -potency sales operation to schools, day cares, residential treatment <br />facilities, and public parks as allowed by State Statute. The applicable Sections to be amended are <br />as follows: <br />• Section 1305.04, Zoning Code Definitions <br />• Section 1320.05, Land Use Chart in the B-2, B-3, B-4, and GB Zoning Districts <br />• Section 1325.02, Accessory Uses <br />Proposed Ordinance Lane: <br />1) Add definitions relevant to the Sale of Lower -Potency Hemp Edibles <br />a. Hemp Concentrate <br />b. Hemp -Derived Consumer Product <br />c. Hemp Plant <br />d. Lower -Potency Hemp Edible <br />e. Lower -Potency Hemp Edible Sales <br />f. Nonintoxicating Cannabinoid <br />2) Land Use Chart within Section 1320.05 would be amended to include Lower -Potency <br />Hemp Edible Sales: <br />a. Add a land use category for Lower -Potency Hemp Edible Sales as a Conditional <br />and Accessory Use under the B-2, B-3, B-4, and GB Zoning Districts. <br />3) Amend Section 1325.02, Accessory Uses <br />a. Create a new Subdivision 6 that establishes the requirements and criteria for Lower - <br />Potency Hemp Edible Sales as an accessory use on a property where the principal use <br />is Retail Sales & Service, Restaurant, or Service Station. <br />Proposed language: <br />A. Lower -Potency Hemp Edible Sales shall be a Conditional Accessory use only <br />permitted in the B-2 General Business, B-3 Service Business, B-4 Retail Business, <br />and GB Gateway Business Zoning Districts. <br />B. Applicants for Conditional Accessory Lower -Potency Hemp Edible Sales shall <br />follow the conditional use permit procedures prescribed in Section 1355.04, subd. <br />3, and Appendix A, Procedure Manual. The City shall review a site plan and <br />specifics of the proposed lower -potency heMp edibles business and may issue the <br />permit subject to, but not limited to, the following, requirements: <br />1. Lower -potency hemp edible sales shall only be permitted as an accessory <br />use on a Subject Property where the principal use is Retail Sales & <br />Service, Restaurant, or Service Station, and when such accessory use is <br />clearly incidental to the principal use. <br />2. The Subject t Property shall not be located within 1,000 feet of any school. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />