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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION — August 9, 2023 2 <br />Arden Hills' residential setback requirements. Additionally, city staff was asked to assemble a <br />list of previously identified code amendments to allow for further Council discussion to occur on <br />the prioritization of amendment reviews. City staff brought back the requested information to the <br />City Council at their April 17th meeting. Staff provide a list of ordinance amendments that were <br />previously tasked to proceed directly to the Planning Commission for the first review once a <br />Senior Planner was onboard and as staff time allowed. While others would need to be brought <br />back to the City Council for further discussion and direction at a future work session. Staff <br />reviewed the proposed list of ordinance amendments that were part of the City Council work <br />session discussion. <br />Senior Planner Fransen explained the City Council consensus was to proceed with the <br />proposed amendments as outlined. Staff was directed to bring forward the fence ordinance <br />amendments to the Planning Commission for the first review and to hold a public hearing. <br />Following the public hearing, the draft ordinance language with recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission would be brought to the City Council for subsequent discussion and adoption. <br />Senior Planner Fransen reviewed the Overview of Ordinance Amendments and provided the <br />Findings of Fact for review: <br />1. The City of Arden Hills is proposing to amend ordinance language to create design and <br />materials standards for fences in residential zoning districts. <br />2. The proposed ordinance would create language for evaluating a temporary fence in all <br />zoning districts. <br />3. The proposed ordinance will add a maximum height design standard for fences in the <br />business and industrial zoning districts. <br />4. The proposed ordinance will include amendments to the language of the City Code to <br />Chapter 13 — Zoning Code within Section 1325.05, Subd. 4 for Fences. <br />5. Amendments to the Zoning Code regulations require a public hearing prior to action by <br />the City Council. <br />Senior Planner Fransen reviewed the options available to the Planning Commission for <br />Planning Case 23-013 for Zoning Code Amendments to Chapter 13 Section 1325.05 — Subd. 4D <br />of the Arden Hills City Code for Fences: <br />1. Recommend Approval <br />2. Recommend Approval with Amendments <br />3. Recommend Denial <br />4. Table <br />Chair Vijums opened the floor to Commissioner comments. <br />Commissioner Bjorklund commented on the language regarding allowed building materials and <br />asked why shrubbery, concrete, brick, stucco or masonry fencing was not allowed. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe explained staff did look at adjacent communities <br />ordinances to see what community standards they had in place for fences. She explained she did <br />not exclude any building materials, but rather those were less commonly seen fencing options <br />and could be reviewed by staff on a case by case basis. She noted if there were fencing options <br />