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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Council on ..!J;LL!~f , 1978, are hereby declared <br /> <br />to be signed by th required pe1'Centage of owners affected <br /> <br />thereby pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 429.035. <br /> <br />NOW, 'rBBREPOU, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l'BE CITY CotlNCIL 01' THE <br /> <br />CI'l'Y 01' ARDEN BILLS, MINNESOTA: <br /> <br />'!'hat the petition be referred to the City consulting engi- <br />neer for study and that he is instructed to report to the <br />Council with all convenient speed, advising the Council in a <br />preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is <br />feasible and all to whether it should best be made as proposed <br />or in connection with some other improve.nt, and the est11llated <br />cost of the improvement as recOlllDended. <br /> <br />The IIlOtion for the adoption of the foregoing resolut:.ion <br /> <br />was duly seconded by counoilman Wingert and upon vote being <br /> <br />taken thereon the following- voted in favor thereof: All ~ and <br /> <br />the following- voted against the same: None~ whenupon said <br /> <br />resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br /> <br />Councilman Criohton then introduced the following resolu- <br />tion and IIlOved its adoption: <br /> <br />4~8 <br />Resolution No. 78-. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION DCBIVING RBPOR'r <br />AND PIlOVIDING FOR PUBLIC BEARING ON <br />IMPIlOVEMBN'1' NO. W-78-2 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City consulting eng-ineer had previously prE!'" <br />pared a feasibility report for the construction of Illlprovement <br />No. W-78-2. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'1' RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP'l'HE' <br /> <br />CITY OF ARDEN BILLS, MINNESO'l'A: <br /> <br />1, The preliminary report and cost estimate are hereby <br />approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of <br />the City Clerk Administrator. '!'he improvement proposed to be <br />made in the general manner set. forth in the report is desig- <br />nated as Improvement No. W-78-2. <br /> <br />. <br />