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<br />{~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />,'f',D',.:.':' ..:~'.' <br /> <br />F i:~b c i:~il':'> <br /> <br />b'10n 1e~~_...?~i'T~'Ui:j~3.:~~.l<:~,!:,} <br /> <br />Ovi-3?;lll k'd,O'~l':ldf;f~ of r{:u~~');.~,n)'. ~lr:d St,nf:(,~ 1.1:,:";' /\,_:,d -Vi~,'.l!.?!Z"; .;r.,::i~~L::LC:':D :';_.\:~.~l.\ ,~.:'l',; <br />e.~~J:J2:;~2d bJ t.he dC~8rtli;:3nt;;;r?_d k.r,2-;.}I(:cigt~ of thn 2ti.f',;~t:;.c'nD @'::ld ju?i.o.... <br />a:tct' of thi':~ v{~X"itn~6 COUi.:\tYIJ StB.'-:..:;:: r::nH2 :r:'c-!.d1t~l.:"aJ Jl~'lr:.: .~nfG~::-\.;(';t1i:f.lf.: ;;;gerici-ns. <br /> <br />Thor':H.~gh kU~";..':L~d!;e of t.he pzin~ipl:!:z ,1l~6 ;:1::"ac.~::tecp, of nl<1;'h"!'i:n pol :tce admi!l:tst~:"at:ion <br /> l.a;:i'03:c; ~€'~thod.e; n..;..;:.i tc~:::tln::,que2 <br /> <br />Worklng k'1oiil'!<lse of E<ciendfic lllethod$ of dev"},Cip;.n&, identifying nnd prE!lllill:'Jiog <br />ev:1de','.',~e t':1 ~G(iUrC it6 admi2s1ttlity in e,{lnrt or a.s lJ,Ged.eci <br /> <br />ThcH:nugh knDH1~~dge of the ~.:'r-,tlce of al"rGst.~ seal('ch, and ;J~i:!-l1I'e to ansur.e that <br />1e8811,' acc4~ptable procedures STe roll"",,,d <br /> <br />Thor1n:gb k-riowledge of End okill in u'5i.::."'l~ the'$.1~.:t1~HS fl:!',~zmt:) :h::. tho departmental <br />al.';3e~,,~11 and lr..n0'!11edge (1f the: f:;;!':' ;m.d use of ci:hel~' ~,o11(~e equtpme.ut. <br />including ~~~r~ of communicatiop u$ed itl modern jrolie~ work <br /> <br />Abi1H:y to pl"m; <!'1s1uete. instTuct. arcd d:lxacl: th"",ork of 61.,bcrdinateg per,'orming <br />the vm:i.cuG dllU"'8 and reElpooBi.biHtiea of their pooHic,."s <br /> <br />Ability to cO!1lc'1unieate effectively ",hal' !u."d~U'!1g Ep:."id.n7, <!!'If!<!tva or to <br />pl.~epa:::i.t'~:. written l:eports or iltfClrmati{)Ii. <br /> <br />Ability to establish, maintain and prcmotc a cNlperattv3 and h9XlIlcn::oua t.Ior1dng <br />relat:tonship with other Villl.\ge offic;;,uls. State aud Fecier-a:l autbc!rities. <br />and with the general public <br /> <br />Exte~: of SUl!'!:cviaion ~e l'rO"Jided <br /> <br />Funct1,one under the adillil1istretive direction of the Vill,sge CCl"'~'Ci1, HowE-oyer, <br />has cOl1lliderable latitude to uile judli,'1llClnt ar.:>! discl:at.ic;" within the <br />Ecope of his aSGign~d duties and re~por.sibilitiea <br /> <br />Responsibility for Public Cont~ <br /> <br />Heavy public c';mtact. ~luslt: adroinieter dllpartaental buei",ese effect::,vely end <br />effiCiently to U&811r6 P:Olllllt follow-up on all cO'llplaintE! so that good <br />poblic relati,'o.a e';860,l:i81 for E,ffactive law enforcelIJent IIri. maintained <br /> <br />Su~ervision of Others <br /> <br />lias direct sUj>srv1sion ovel; all emp1oy,*,s l!!Jsigned to th,~ Police Department <br />