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would not encroach further into the existing nonconforming building setbacks on the Subject <br />Property. <br />The Applicant is requesting the proposed garage addition as, according to the Applicant, two <br />vehicles cannot be stored and accessed within the existing detached garage. The proposed garage <br />addition would meet applicable building codes and all other regulations in the R-2 District. As a <br />legal nonconforming lot, the existing detached accessory structure is allowed to be maintained <br />through normal maintenance and repairs. The Applicant would not be able to construct the <br />proposed garage addition without a variance. <br />4. Approvals <br />The City Council is being asked to determine if a variance request for flexibility on the front yard <br />setback and the side yard setback of a corner lot should be approved. The submitted sketches show <br />the location of the proposed garage addition. The evaluation of the proposal should be based on <br />the District Provisions in Section 1320, the General Regulations in Section 1325, and the <br />Requirements for a Variance in Section 1355.04, Subd. 4. <br />At their September 6, 2023 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the variance request on <br />the Subject Property. After discussion, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval <br />with conditions by a 5-0 vote. <br />Plan Evaluation <br />Chapter 13, Zoning Regulations Review <br />1. District Provisions (R-2 Single and Two Family Residential District) — Section 1320.06 <br />Lot Size and Dimensions — Meets Requirements <br />The Subject Property was constructed in 1952 with a lot area of 11,325.6 square feet <br />(Attachment D). Section 1320 — District Provisions of the Zoning Code requires a minimum lot <br />size of 11,000 square feet per single-family dwelling unit. <br />Structure Setbacks — Variance Requested <br />In the R-2 District, the minimum front and rear setback requirements are 40 feet and 30 feet, <br />respectively. The existing detached garage is located 43.2 feet from the front yard property line <br />and the principal structure has a 35.3 foot front yard setback. The minimum side yard setback on <br />a corner lot is 40 feet. The existing detached garage is located 1.4 feet from the side yard property <br />line and the principal structure is located 28.6 feet from the side yard property line. The proposed <br />garage addition located on the north and south elevations would be setback 5.8 feet from the east <br />side yard property line and have a 39.2-foot front yard setback (i.e. south property line). As shown <br />in the survey below, the garage addition would not go beyond the existing building line of the <br />principal dwelling's 35.3-foot existing front yard setback on the Subject Property or surpass the <br />existing garage's 1.4-foot side yard setback. <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />