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TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED <br />General Provisions of Engineer -Architect Agreement <br />ARTICLE 1. GENERAL <br />These General Provisions supplement and become part of the Agreement between Toltz, <br />King, Duvall, Anderson and Associates, Incorporated, a Minnesota Corporation, <br />hereinafter referred to as TKDA, and the other Party to the Agreement, hereinafter <br />referred to as CLIENT, wherein the CLIENT engages TKDA to provide certain <br />Engineering, Architectural, and/or Planning services. Either Party to this Agreement may <br />be referred to as a "Party" or collectively as "Parties." <br />As used herein, the term "Agreement" refers to (1) TKDA's original Engagement Letter or <br />proposal (the "Engagement Letter") which forms the basis for the Agreement; (2) these <br />General Provisions, and (3) any attached Exhibits, as if they were part of one and the <br />same document. With respect to the order of precedence, any attached Exhibits shall <br />govern over these General Provisions and the Engagement Letter shall govern over any <br />attached Exhibits and these General Provisions. <br />ARTICLE 2. PERIOD OF SERVICE <br />The term of this Agreement for the performance of services hereunder shall be as set <br />forth in TKDA's Engagement Letter. Any lump sum or estimated maximum payment <br />amounts set forth in the Engagement Letter have been established in anticipation of the <br />orderly and continuous progress of the project in accordance with the schedule set forth <br />in the Engagement Letter or any Exhibits attached thereto. <br />ARTICLE 3. COMPENSATION TO TKDA <br />A. Compensation to TKDA for services shall be as designated in the Engagement <br />Letter. The CLIENT shall make monthly payments to TKDA within 30 days of date of <br />invoice. <br />B. The CLIENT will pay the balance stated on the invoice unless CLIENT notifies <br />TKDA in writing of the particular item that is alleged to be incorrect within 15 days from <br />the date of invoice, in which case all undisputed items shall be paid and amounts in <br />dispute shall become due upon an adjudicated resolution or upon agreement of the <br />parties. All accounts unpaid after 30 days from the date of original invoice shall be <br />subject to a service charge of 1-1/2% per month, or the maximum amount authorized by <br />law, whichever is less. TKDA shall be entitled to recover all reasonable costs and <br />disbursements, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in connection with <br />collecting amounts owed by CLIENT. In addition, TKDA may, after giving seven days' <br />written notice to the CLIENT, suspend services under this Agreement until TKDA has <br />been paid in full for all amounts then due for services, expenses and charges. CLIENT <br />agrees that it shall waive any and all claims against TKDA and that TKDA shall not be <br />responsible for any claims arising from suspension of services hereunder. <br />ARTICLE 4. EXTRA WORK <br />If TKDA is of the opinion that any work it has been directed to perform is beyond the <br />Scope of this Agreement, or that the level of effort required exceeds that estimated due <br />to changed conditions and thereby constitutes extra work, it shall notify the CLIENT of <br />that fact. Upon written notification to CLIENT, TKDA shall be entitled to additional <br />compensation for same, and to an extension of time for completion absent timely written <br />objection by CLIENT to additional services. <br />ARTICLE 5. ABANDONMENT, CHANGE OF PLAN AND TERMINATION <br />Either Party has the right to terminate this Agreement upon seven days' written notice for <br />convenience of either CLIENT or TKDA. In addition, the CLIENT may at any time reduce <br />the scope of this Agreement. Such reduction in scope shall be set forth in a written <br />notice from the CLIENT to TKDA. In the event of unresolved dispute over change in <br />scope or changed conditions, this Agreement may also be terminated upon seven days' <br />written notice as provided above. <br />In the event of a termination or reduction in scope of the project work, TKDA shall be <br />paid for the work performed and expenses incurred on the project work and for any <br />completed and abandoned work for which payment has not been made, computed in <br />accordance with the provisions of the Engagement Letter and payment of a reasonable <br />amount for services and expenses directly attributable to termination, both before and <br />after the effective date of termination, such as reassignment of personnel, costs of <br />terminating contracts with TKDA's subconsultants, costs of producing copies of file <br />materials and other related close-out costs. <br />ARTICLE 6. DISPOSITION OF PLANS, REPORTS AND OTHER DATA <br />All documents, including reports, drawings, calculations, specifications, CADD materials, <br />computer software or hardware or other work product prepared by TKDA pursuant to this <br />Agreement are TKDA's Instruments of Service and TKDA retains all ownership interests <br />in said Instruments of Service, including copyrights. Any use or reuse of such <br />Instruments of Service, except for the specific purpose intended, by the CLIENT or <br />others without written consent, verification, or adaptation by TKDA will be at the <br />CLIENT's risk and full legal responsibility. In this regard, the CLIENT will indemnify and <br />hold harmless TKDA from any and all suits or claims of third parties arising out of such <br />use or reuse which is not specifically verified, adapted, or authorized by TKDA. <br />Copies of documents that may be relied upon by the CLIENT are limited to the printed <br />copies (also known as hard copies) that are signed or sealed by TKDA's Engineer or <br />Architect. Files in electronic format furnished to the CLIENT are only for convenience of <br />the CLIENT. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files <br />will be at the user's sole risk. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and <br />the hard copies, the hard copies govern. In the event electronic copies of documents are <br />made available to the CLIENT, the CLIENT acknowledges that the useful life of <br />electronic media may be limited because of deterioration of the media, obsolescence of <br />the computer hardware and/or software systems or other causes outside of TKDA's <br />control. Therefore, TKDA makes no representation that such media will be fully usable <br />beyond 30 days from date of delivery to CLIENT. <br />If requested, at the time of completion or termination of the work, TKDA shall make <br />available to the CLIENT at CLIENT's expense copies of the Instruments of Service upon <br />(i) payment of amounts due and owing for work performed and expenses incurred under <br />this Agreement, and (ii) fulfillment of the CLIENT's obligations under this Agreement. <br />ARTICLE 7. CLIENT'S ACCEPTANCE BY PURCHASE ORDER <br />In lieu of or in addition to execution of the Engagement Letter, the CLIENT may authorize <br />TKDA to commence services by issuing a purchase order by a duly authorized <br />representative. Such authority to commence services or purchase order shall <br />incorporate by reference the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event the <br />terms and conditions of this Agreement conflict with those contained in the CLIENT's <br />purchase order, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall govern. <br />Notwithstanding any purchase order provisions to the contrary, no warranties, express or <br />implied, are made by TKDA. In order to implement the intent of Parties to this <br />Agreement, the Parties agree that the Engagement Letter, these General Provisions, and <br />any Exhibits constitute the entire Agreement between them. The Parties further agree <br />that the preprinted terms and conditions of any CLIENT -generated purchase order issued <br />to request work pursuant to this Agreement will not apply to the work, regardless of <br />whether TKDA executes the purchase order in acceptance of the work. <br />ARTICLE 8. CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES <br />A. To permit TKDA to perform the services required hereunder, the CLIENT shall <br />supply, in proper time and sequence, the following at no expense to TKDA: <br />1. All necessary information regarding its requirements as necessary for orderly <br />progress of the work. <br />2. Designate in writing a person to act as CLIENT's representative with respect to <br />the services to be rendered under this Agreement. Such person shall have <br />authority to transmit instructions, receive instructions, receive information, and <br />interpret and define CLIENT's policies with respect to TKDA's services. <br />3. Furnish, as required for performance of TKDA's services (except to the extent <br />provided otherwise in the Engagement Letter or any Exhibits attached thereto), <br />data prepared by or services of others, including without limitation, soil borings, <br />probing and subsurface explorations, hydrographic and geohydrologic surveys, <br />laboratory tests and inspections of samples, materials and equipment; <br />appropriate professional interpretations of all of the foregoing; environmental <br />assessment and impact statements; property, boundary, easement, <br />right-of-way, topographic and utility surveys; property descriptions; zoning, <br />deed and other land use restriction; and other special data not covered in the <br />Engagement Letter or any Exhibits attached thereto. <br />4. Provide access to, and make all provisions for TKDA to enter upon publicly or <br />privately owned property as required to perform the work. <br />5. Act as liaison with other agencies or involved parties to carry out necessary <br />coordination and negotiations; furnish approvals and permits from all <br />governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project and such <br />approvals and consents from others as may be necessary for completion of the <br />project. <br />6. Examine all reports, sketches, drawings, specifications and other documents <br />prepared and presented by TKDA, obtain advice of an attorney, insurance <br />counselor or others as CLIENT deems necessary for such examination, and <br />render in writing decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not <br />to delay the services of TKDA. <br />7. Give prompt written notice to TKDA whenever the CLIENT observes or <br />otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing <br />of TKDA's services or any defect in the work of Construction Contractor(s), <br />subconsultants or TKDA. <br />8. Initiate action, where appropriate, to identify and investigate the nature and <br />extent of asbestos, petroleum and/or pollution in the project and to abate <br />and/or remove the same as may be required by federal, state or local statute, <br />ordinance, code, rule, or regulation now existing or hereinafter enacted or <br />amended. For purposes of this Agreement, "pollution' and "pollutant" shall <br />mean any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including <br />petroleum, smoke, vapor, soot, alkalis, chemicals and hazardous or toxic <br />waste. Hazardous Materials means any substance, waste, pollutant or <br />contaminant (including petroleum) now or hereafter included within such terms <br />under any federal, state or local statute, ordinance, code, rule or regulation <br />now existing or hereinafter enacted or amended. Waste further includes <br />materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed. CLIENT further agrees it <br />TKDA GENERAL PROVISIONS JULY 2009 (E/O) <br />