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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—AUGUST 28, 2023 10 <br /> the parcels located within each of these zoning districts. The new State law and any future <br /> ordinance change would apply to both existing and new businesses in Arden Hills. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe stated the main topics of discussion during the work <br /> session were the delineation of where lower potency hemp sales would be allowed (ex. B-2 and/or <br /> B-3 zoning districts) and regulating solely as an accessory use to a retail business. The City <br /> Council directed staff to bring forward the proposed ordinance to the Planning Commission for <br /> the first review and to hold a public hearing in order to solicit your recommendation on this <br /> language. Following the public hearing, the draft ordinance language with the recommendation of <br /> the Planning Commission would be brought to the City Council for subsequent discussion and <br /> adoption. It was noted to the Planning Commission that at the subsequent regular City Council <br /> meeting, a Councilmember commented that the upcoming lower-potency hemp discussions <br /> should also consider allowing the ability to sell as an accessory use for Service Stations and <br /> potentially within the Gateway Business District. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe reviewed the Overview of Ordinance Amendments in <br /> further detail with the Council and stated the Planning Commission voted 6-0 (Commissioner <br /> Mitchell was absent) to recommend approval of Planning Case 23-014 with amendments. The <br /> Commission added amendments to recommend adding Lower-Potency Hemp Edible Sales as a <br /> Conditional Accessory use in the B-2, B-3, B-4 and GB Zoning Districts and to permit Lower- <br /> Potency Hemp Edible Sales as an accessory use on a Subject Property where the principal use is <br /> also a Restaurant or a Service Station. The Commission discussed allowing Lower-Potency Hemp <br /> Edible Sales as a principal use and reducing/removing the distance separation for subject <br /> properties and asked the City Council to consider these points as part of the ordinance review. <br /> Councilmember Fabel asked if there was any consideration to restricting sales to businesses that <br /> otherwise distribute alcohol, such as liquor stores or restaurants with a liquor license. He noted <br /> these establishments would be used to carding individuals prior to sales. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe reported without action by the City Council to adopt <br /> an ordinance, a liquor store could sell the lower potency hemp products. <br /> Councilmember Fabel was of the opinion businesses that were familiar with carding for age <br /> restricted products, would have a better ability to manage the sales of lower potency products. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if the Sheriff's Department would be taking on enforcement <br /> efforts for these products. <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated he has not had a direct conversation with the Sheriff about <br /> the proposed ordinance changes. He noted there would be an Office of Cannabis Management <br /> (OCM) to assist with overseeing enforcement. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked how the City defined retail operations. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe reviewed how zoning code defined retail operations, <br /> noting this was to be the principle use. <br />