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10-04-23-PC Agenda
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2. A floor plan indicating the floor area to be used by the home occupation along with a <br />tabulation of the total floor area and the floor area to be used for the home occupation. <br />Included in submission <br />3. A statement describing the home occupation and the compliance with the required <br />conditions. Included in submission <br />4. A copy of the state or county license or permit if such a license or permit is required by the <br />state or county for the proposed home occupation. N/A <br />2. Sign Code — Chapter 12 <br />This approval does not include signs. Staff recommends adding a condition that prohibits signage <br />as part of the approval. <br />Suggested Findings of Fact <br />Staff offers the following findings of fact for consideration: <br />1. The subject property located at 4504 Hamline Avenue N. is zoned R-1, Single Family <br />Residential District and is designated for Low Density Residential uses on the 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. A home occupation is allowed in residential zoning districts, but a Conditional Use Permit <br />is required when there are patrons visiting the premises or an employee that does not reside <br />in the residence. <br />3. The Applicant is the sole owner of Brian Densmore Tax Service, Inc., a business related to <br />preparation of tax returns. <br />4. The home occupation is conducted entirely within the dwelling. <br />5. The proposed home occupation would have a limited number of patrons visiting the home, <br />as the Applicant would only be seeing one client at a time, by appointment. <br />6. There will be no exterior evidence of the home occupation. <br />7. The Applicant will be limited to one additional part-time employee that does not reside in <br />the residence to facilitate the home occupation. <br />Options and Motion Language <br />Staff has provided the following options and motion language for this case. The Planning <br />Commission should consider providing additional findings of fact as part of the motion to support <br />their recommendation for approval or denial. <br />Recommend Approval with Conditions: Motion to recommend approval of Planning Case 23- <br />017 for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Class II Accessory Home Occupation at 4504 <br />Hamline Avenue N., based on the findings of fact and submitted plans, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />1. No exterior evidence of the home occupation shall be permitted. <br />2. No exterior signage shall be permitted. <br />3. The Applicant shall be limited to one employee that does not reside in the residence. <br />4. The Applicant shall comply with all sections of the City Code, including no more <br />than four vehicles parked in a driveway at any one time. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for October 4, 2023 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2023\PC 23-017, 4504 Hamlin Avenue N. - CUP <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />
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