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Information regarding the potential transition to a fire district <br />Notes <br />Answer None are anticipated due to a move to a fire district. Statement from Brad Martens <br />Question 8 How would moving to a fire district impact full-time and part-time firefighters day to day <br />operational roles? <br />Answer No changes are anticipated in the day to day operational roles. Statement from Brad Martens <br />Question 9 Will the fire district be able to continue to send its part-time firefighters to the Lake <br />Johanna Firefighters Relieve Association for pensions? <br />Answer Yes Opinion from attorney Erich Hartmann <br />Question 10 What happens to the fire department owned equipment and station? <br />Answer All fire department equipment and St. 120 would become property of the fire district. <br />Statement from UFD Leadership <br />Question 11 How would the Pine Tree property be transitioned to the fire district? <br />Answer The property would become Fire District property. <br />Statement from UFD Leadership <br />Question 12 How would the tax line item be listed on a property tax statement? <br />Answer The Fire District will show up as an assessment similar to a school district. <br />Statement from UFD Leadership <br />Question 13 Who would vote to approve a fire district levy amount? <br />Answer The Fire District Board of Directors. <br />Statement from UFD Leadership <br />Question 14 What would be the governance structure of the fire district board? <br />Answer This structure would be developed by a group/committee that would be directed with Statement from UFD Leadership <br />developing this and other details prior to the standing up of the Fire District. Reference <br />Excelsior Fire District regarding their being an "operational committee" or "working group" <br />that may include city staff and/or fire district leadership. <br />Question 15 What is the budget impact to cities with a weighted levy compared to a tax capacity levy? <br />Answer <br />Question 16 What are the alternatives to a fire district? <br />Answer Remain as we are. Transition to a single city department that could contract with others Statement from UFD Leadership <br />for service. <br />Question 17 Are any of the cities interested in taking over the fire department operations? <br />Answer <br />Question 18 Do two-thirds of the fire fighters need to approve the change to a fire district model? <br />Answer <br />Question 19 What is the urgency for discussing this topic now? <br />Answer The demonstrated and agreed upon need for costly operational and capital investment is Statement from UFD Leadership <br />driving this conversation. After a Fire District is established, the vote of that board is final <br />and doesn't need three separate approvals by individual cities. Changing the funding <br />mechanism streamlines the process of making necessary changes to our operation. <br />Question 20 What if any deadlines exist for making this decision? <br />Answer There are no official deadlines however there are things that could be impacted by timing Statement from UFD Leadership <br />such as the ability to accept state funding or when the first "income" check would be <br />received from Ramsey County as it relates to funds to cover operating costs. <br />Question 21 What are the legal costs estimated for this process? <br />Answer <br />Question 22 How would the new building on Pine Tree be funded through a fire district? <br />Answer The Fire District can borrow (bond) for capital projects that would be paid for by direct Statement from UFD Leadership <br />taxes. The Fire District could also tax over time to save for capital projects. <br />