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MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: December 27, 2021 <br />TO: City of Shoreview <br />FROM: Joe Kelly <br />RE: Fire Protection District <br />Introduction <br />On July 2, 2021, the 2021 omnibus tax bill went into effect. Included in the bill was an <br />authorization for local government units to create special taxation districts for fire protection. <br />In order to create a fire protection special taxation district, the City must do the following: <br />1. It must enter into an agreement with other municipalities specifying how the liabilities of <br />the district will be handled in the case of the district's dissolution <br />2. It may address how the tax levy will be apportioned among the participating jurisdictions <br />(if not equal) <br />3. It must identify which fire relief association or account of in the voluntary statewide <br />volunteer firefighting retirement plan. There can only be one association/plan, <br />The agreement must be adopted no later than upon passage of the resolution establishing the <br />district. The participating Cities must then adopt a resolution creating the district. There are <br />certain items required to be in the resolution discussed below. <br />The fire protection district will have a governing body made up exclusively of elected officials <br />from each member jurisdiction's governing body (city council). The District's governing body <br />may be made up with whatever proportion of council members the district wishes, similar to the <br />current Lake Johanna Fireboard with Shoreview, North Oaks, and Arden Hills, but less non - <br />council members. <br />The resolution creating the district must specify the proportion of each participating <br />municipality's board members. <br />If the special taxing district includes the operation of a Ere department, it must file its resolution <br />establishing the fire protection special taxing district, and any agreements required for the <br />establishment of the special taxing district, with the commissioner of revenue, including any <br />subsequent amendments. If the resolution or agreement does not include sufficient information <br />defining the fire department service area of the fire protection special taxing district, the <br />secretary of the district board must file a written statement with the commissioner defining the <br />fire department service area. <br />The new law is 144F.01, which merely amended the EMS special taxing district to allow for Fire <br />Protection to be included in the taxing authority. <br />