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1325.08 Filling and Excavation. Subd. 1 Permit Required. An administrative permit A Grading and Erosion Control permit also subject to Chapter 15 shall be required for any filling or excavation of up to four hundred (400) cubic yards per parcel, or four hundred (400) cubic yards per acre, whichever is greater. Operations of over the above-described amounts shall be considered land reclamation or mining, and shall require a conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 8 Section 1355.04, Subd. 3 of the Arden Hills Code of Ordinances. Subd. 2 Exceptions. The following operations are excepted from the preceding permit requirements: A. Excavation related to the construction of a building with a duly issued building permit; B. Filling, excavation, and grading associated with site improvements and site preparation for a duly approved subdivision or site plan; C. A. Excavation for construction of existing public streets and utilities; D. B. Filling, excavation, or movement of less than one hundred fifty(100 50) cubic yards of earth for landscaping purposes on a lot already occupied by a residential structure; E. C. Minor agricultural or conversation conservation operations. Subd. 3 Type of Fill. Fill to be placed on sites shall be subject to City Engineer approval. must be gravel, sand, dirt, clay or other non-decomposable material similar to natural soils found in the upland area of Arden Hills. Building construction materials, concrete, bituminous, and soils containing hazardous or toxic waste, predominately organic materials, household wastes, mechanical debris, etc., shall not be permitted. Subd. 4 Performance Time. Filling and excavation operations for which a permit has been issued shall be completed within a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the commencement of the operation, and within one year of the issuance of the permit, unless an extension is requested of and granted by the City Council. Subd. 45 Periodic Operations. Periodic filling or excavation of amounts less than four hundred (400) cubic yards per parcel or per acre shall be allowed under separate administrative Grading and Erosion Control permits until the composite total of such periodic operations exceeds four hundred (400) cubic yards. Further operations will then be subject to a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 1355.04, Subd. 3 the requirements of the Arden Hills Code of Ordinances. Subd. 56 Submissions. The applicant for a Grading and Erosion Control permit shall submit the information outlined in Chapter 15 Section 1520 – Erosion and Sediment Control Plans and Review. following information: A. A legal description, plat, or survey of property to be altered.