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1325.02 Accessory Uses <br />1 <br />1325.02 Accessory Uses. Subd. 1 Accessory Retail Sales, Processing, and Storage. Accessory retail sales shall be permitted in industrial districts, and accessory processing, assembly, repair, and storage of materials shall be permitted in business districts when such uses are directly associated with the principal use, and when such accessory uses are clearly incidental. Subd. 2 Day Care Facilities for Houses of Worship and Schools. Day care facilities for over ten (10) persons shall be considered as accessory uses for houses of worship and schools within all residential districts if located in the principal building. Subd. 3 Home Occupations. Home occupations are allowed as either accessory uses or conditional uses depending on the characteristics of the operation. A. All home occupations shall comply with the following conditions: 1. It shall not result in traffic, parking, noise, light, fumes and odors to such an extent that it is noticeable that the property is being used for non-residential purposes. 2. It shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling. 3. There is no exterior evidence of the home occupation. 4. It does not require any special entrances to the dwelling. B. Class I Accessory Home Occupations. 1. Home Occupations will be permitted as accessory uses if they meet the conditions stipulated in the home occupation definition and following conditions: a) The business is engaged only by the occupants of the premis-es; b) The business activity does not occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling; c) There will be no patrons visiting the premises; d) It requires no delivery of products other than those delivered by private passenger vehicle. 2. Applicants for Class I Accessory Home Occupations shall be required to obtain an Accessory Home Occupation Permit from the City prior to engaging the activity. Review by the Planning Commission and City Council is not required. Application forms as prescribed by the Administrator shall be accompanied by the following information: a) A photograph of the residence; b) A floor plan indicating the floor area to be used by the home occupation along with a tabulation of the total floor area and the floor area to be used for the home occupation; c) A statement describing the home occupation and the compliance with the required conditions; and, d) A copy of the state or county license or permit if such a license or permit is required by the state or county for the proposed home occupation.