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6.1 General to All Zoning Districts <br />11 <br /> iii. Cross docks, where loading docks are situated along two (2) walls of the same building, shall not be permitted. iv. Loading docks shall be located in the side or rear yard and shall be screened from view of the public right-of-way. (f) Fire Separation Requirement: Side and rear setbacks shall be based on minimum fire separation required between buildings, if applicable. (g) Recessed Entry Setbacks: Building façade lines on recessed entries and arcade buildings shall be measured from the front of façade with the recessed entry or arcade (see Section 4.0 Definitions for illustration). (h) Measuring Heights: i. Elevator and stair enclosures; public flagpoles and monuments; and chimneys are exempt from the height limit. ii. Spires, belfries, cupolas, and domes of churches shall not exceed a height of sixty-five feet (65’) as measured from the ground level. iii. Vents, tanks, solar energy systems, HVAC equipment, and other mechanical enclosures shall be exempted from the height limits so long as they do not extend more than fifteen feet (15’) above the roof upon which they are located. Solar energy systems in NR-1, NR-2, and NR-3 are not exempt from zoning district height limits. iv. Internal building height shall be measured from finished floor to bottom of the structural members of the ceiling. v. Floor to ceiling heights shall not apply to parking structures or civic buildings. (i) Encroachments: i. Encroachments into the public right-of-way shall not be permitted. ii. Encroachments over Required Setbacks: Canopies, awnings, galleries, and balconies may encroach over any required setback areas per standards established in each zoning district as long as the vertical clearance is a minimum of ten feet (10’) from the finished sidewalk elevation. 1. Maximum of fifty percent (50% of the depth of the sidewalk or ten feet (10’) (whichever is less) (except blade signs which shall encroach no more than six feet (6’) from the building façade line). 2. In no case shall an encroachment be located over an on-street parking or travel lane. 3. Additional license agreements are required for all encroachments over public right-of-way.