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<br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for October 4, 2023 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2023\PC 23-018, Wahlberg Solar Energy System – CA <br />Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br />residential zoning districts and that these systems are currently not permitted in the City outside of <br />the Conservation District. Roof-mounted solar energy systems are permitted through the building <br />and electrical permit application processes and administered according to the Minnesota Building <br />Code. The Applicant submitted a land use application for a Zoning Code Amendment to add <br />language to the Zoning Code for residential zoning districts that states “Ground mounted solar <br />panels are not allowed unless their view is blocked to all parties concerned.” <br /> <br />For research, staff conducted a survey of solar energy system ordinances in local communities to <br />gain insight into how other cities are regulating ground-mounted solar energy systems. A majority <br />of the 17 communities surveyed allow for ground-mounted solar energy systems as an accessory <br />use in single family residential zoning districts with a majority of these communities permitting <br />proposed systems administratively. Staff also referenced the Minnesota Solar Model Ordinance <br />(Attachment C), which provides recommendations for local solar energy standards to create an as- <br />of-right solar installation path for property-owners and to limit regulatory barriers to developing <br />solar resources. The ordinance examples of other cities and the model ordinance contributed to the <br />draft ordinance language prepared by Staff which would establish ground-mounted solar energy <br />systems as an accessory use in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 residential zoning districts that can be <br />approved administratively. <br /> <br />The Applicant’s proposed text amendments reference the screening of ground-mounted solar <br />panels as a provision of approval. In considering provisions for solar energy systems, Staff referred <br />to the ordinances of local communities and the Minnesota Solar Model Ordinance. Staff <br />determined that the existing regulation standards for the R-1, R-2, and R-3 residential districts and <br />accessory structures could be applied to ground-mounted solar energy systems as well as roof- <br />mounted solar energy systems, for which the Zoning Code is absent of regulations and standards. <br />The proposed text amendments include regulations such as impervious surface and structure <br />coverage, heights, and setbacks to balance solar energy development and community character. <br />Many of these refer to the underlying zoning district requirements so that there is no conflicting <br />language between accessory uses (i.e. sheds, detached garages, swimming pools). Like other <br />accessory uses, ground-mounted solar energy systems in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 residential zoning <br />districts will be subject to location and size requirements. Ground-mounted solar energy systems <br />shall not be located nearer the front lot line than the front yard setback line for the principal <br />structure to which it is accessory. Additionally, systems will count as one of a residential property’s <br />two permitted accessory structures primarily used for residential uses and contribute to the total <br />lot coverage by structure. The proposed text amendments also mirror the length of ordinances in <br />some other communities while addressing specific city standards and establishing standards for <br />roof- and ground-mounted solar energy systems. <br /> <br />The Applicant’s residential property is located in the R-1 Single Family Residential Zoning <br />District. The proposed text amendments would include the R-2 Single Family and Two Family <br />Residential District and the R-3 Townhouse and Low Density Multiple Dwelling District as staff <br />identified that residential properties in these districts could also be suitable for ground-mounted <br />solar energy systems. Staff drafted the proposed ordinance language to include R-1, R-2, and R-3 <br />residential zoning districts consistent with the implementation strategies of the City’s 2040