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∙ Provides a number of trash, litter, or garbage cans in the parking areas and within the building on the premises for the deposit of the disposable packaging in which the food and/or beverages are provided; ∙ Prepares and cooks a substantial proportion of its food in volume, in advance of orders by customers, and usually in anticipation of predicted volumes of customers at certain times of the day; ∙ Specifies the items of food and/or beverage offered to customers on signs, placards, posters, valances, or boards posted in conspicuous places throughout the building rather than on printed menus given to the customers; ∙ Generates a high volume and rapid flow of in-and-out traffic because of its quick service mode of operation. ∙ Retail sales and service. An establishment engaged principally in the sale or rental of primarily new goods and the provision of services directly to the consumer, excluding those uses defined more specifically in this Code. Motor vehicle sales, motor vehicle leasing and rentals, exterior equipment rental and sales lots, repair garages, pawn shops, thrift stores, and open sales lots are not included in this definition of retail sales and service. (revised 2/29/16) ∙ Roadway. The entirety of a private street and that portion of a public street extending from the back of the curb (i.e., the curbline) on one side to the back of the curb (i.e., the curbline) on the other side, used primarily for vehicular traffic. ∙ Schools, bus terminal. School bus terminal shall be a building or space engaged primarily in the transportation and activities associated with the transportation of students. ∙ Schools, general education. Nursery, primary, elementary and secondary schools. ∙ Schools, specialized education. Trade, vocational, business, barber, beauty, art, music, dancing, driving and other professional schools, with or without on-site housing. (revised 01/20/11) ∙ Service station. A place where gasoline, kerosene, diesel or other motor fuel or lubricating oil or grease for operating motor vehicles are offered for sale to the public and deliveries are made directly into motor vehicles. Includes greasing and oiling, one-bay motor vehicle wash and the sale of automobile accessories on the premises. Also includes minor repairs, incidental body and fender work, minor painting and upholstering, replacement of parts and motor services to passenger automobiles and trucks not exceeding one and one-half (1.5) tons capacity. It shall not include major general repair, rebuilding or reconditioning of engines, motor vehicles or trailers; collision service, including body, frame or fender straightening or repair; overall painting or paint job. ∙ Setback. The minimum horizontal distance between a structure and the ordinary high water level or between a structure and a road, well, highway, or property lines.