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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—OCTOBER 23, 2023 12 <br /> Mayor Grant explained half of her data request was for social media information. He indicated <br /> he does not do social media. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau recalled that last December, the Mayor told her he was halfway <br /> through his emails and that he would get back to her. She noted she has not received any <br /> information from the Mayor. <br /> Mayor Grant indicated he would send Councilmember Rousseau an email stating he would have <br /> no data from social media. <br /> Councilmember Monson reported her data request was also initially denied, which pertained to <br /> economic analysis, but she did receive this information once she was voted into the City Council. <br /> She stated that she then made this information available to the public. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Rousseau moved and Councilmember Monson seconded a <br /> motion to adiourn. The motion carried 4-1 (Councilmember Holden opposed). <br /> Mayor Grant adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting at 8:26 p.m. <br /> C\\jAoj 11 1, <br /> Ln4o��- <br /> Juli9yanson David Grant <br /> Cit Jerk Mayor <br />