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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—OCTOBER 9, 2023 6 <br /> which will be considering all the factors. They are looking forward to receiving a response from <br /> the Planning Commission, review by the residents on November 1, and input from experts. They <br /> know there are a number of steps that have to be gone through before they come up with a final <br /> number and final master development agreement. He was sure there would be taxpayer opposition <br /> to them, housing advocates that will be favorable of them, those that don't like affordable housing <br /> will be against them. For purposes of moving towards a solution, it is important to get staff <br /> working on those things that need to be done in terms of moving forward with what the JDA has <br /> asked for; examining the Comprehensive Plan, zoning requirements among other things to they <br /> are in a position to move forward. He felt it was important that get started as soon as possible. <br /> Councilmember Holden said she wasn't being critical, she wanted to have all the ducks in a row. <br /> Did she want whoever is on the City Council 20 years from now to get phone calls from hundreds <br /> of people saying they can't get out of their driveway or onto the street or Highway 96? She felt <br /> Councilmember Fabel was wanting to be the hero but if it was going to be two years for the Spine <br /> Road to even start, why couldn't he wait to do the TRC? They gave up a million dollars by not <br /> putting in the Spine Road but the County cries they don't have any money. MnDOT had funded <br /> them for that. The bottom line is what do you want future City Councils to have to deal with? <br /> Every time she makes a decision that's what she thinks about. She thought they should think <br /> about the community as a whole and what the effects are on future residents. She wasn't being <br /> critical when asking if there was going to be a bus line. <br /> Mayor Grant said Councilmember Fabel kept saying it was a concrete development proposal, he <br /> thought Councilmember Holden was wondering if that concrete was fully set. <br /> Councilmember Fabel said it was a proposal, was a proposal a final decision? <br /> Mayor Grant replied if there was only one. He asked Councilmember Fabel to not confuse <br /> wanting to discuss issues as being critical. He wants to make sure that all of the factors are <br /> considered. He thought he heard Councilmember Monson say at one point if problems come up <br /> they'll just design their way out of them. You can end up with situations that you can't design <br /> your way out of them. He realizes that what is important to him, like jobs, may not be important <br /> to others. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau said two people had said November 2 would be a great day to have a <br /> conversation to talk about density and key visioning areas. She wondered if anyone else was <br /> interested in doing that. <br /> After discussion Council agreed to meet on November 2. <br /> Councilmember Fabel stated they could still direct staff to move forward with drafting the <br /> necessary changes and bringing updates to the Council and Planning Commission. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau said they could do that and bring it to the meeting on November 2, <br /> and if Council liked it then it could be brought to the Planning Commission on November 8. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe said that wouldn't be enough time to put it on the <br /> Planning Commission agenda. The earliest would be December 6, due to needing 10 days' notice <br /> for ordinance changes. <br />