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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION — November 8, 2023 2 <br />accessory use of ground -mounted solar energy systems within the R-1, R-2, and R-3 residential <br />districts in City Code Sections 1320.05 — Land Use Chart and 1325.02 — Accessory Uses. The <br />proposed ordinance amendment would also modify Section 1380 — TCAAP Redevelopment <br />Code ("TRC") to allow ground -mounted solar energy systems as an accessory use with criteria <br />within the Neighborhood 1 ("NR-1 "), Neighborhood 2 ("NR-2"), and Neighborhood 3 ("NR-3") <br />residential districts. <br />Senior Planner Fransen explained in September 2023, the Applicant submitted a land use <br />application for a Zoning Code Amendment to add language to the Zoning Code for residential <br />zoning districts that states "Ground mounted solar panels are not allowed unless their view is <br />blocked to all parties concerned." At the October 4, 2023 meeting of the Planning Commission, <br />staff presented drafted language that would allow for the accessory use of ground -mounted solar <br />energy systems through an administrative process in R-1, R-2, and R-3 zoning districts. The <br />language also established provisions for both roof- and ground -mounted solar energy systems. <br />The Planning Commission approved a motion to table the planning case with direction for staff <br />to provide language for the aesthetics, visibility, and screening of ground -mounted solar energy <br />systems, incorporate the residential districts that fall under the TRC, and consider the comments <br />provided by All Energy Solar during the October 4, 2023 public hearing. <br />Senior Planner Fransen reviewed the Plan Evaluation and provided the Findings of Fact for <br />review: <br />General Findings: <br />1. Donald Wahlberg, The Applicant, is proposing amendments to the language of Chapter <br />13 — Zoning Code of the City Code. <br />2. Under the City's Zoning Code Section 1320.05, a Solar Energy System is considered a <br />prohibited land use in the Residential Districts. <br />3. The Applicant is proposing an amendment to alter the Land Use Chart in Sections <br />1320.05 and 1325.02 of the Zoning Code to allow a Solar Energy System as an Accessory <br />Use in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 Residential Districts. <br />4. The City is proposing to add special provisions for Solar Energy Systems to Section <br />1325.02 — Accessory Uses. <br />5. The City is proposing an amendment to alter the Schedule of Permitted Uses Chart in <br />Section 1380 5.0 and 5.2 of the TCAAP Redevelopment Code to allow a Solar Energy <br />System as an Accessory Use with Criteria in the NR-1, NR-2, and NR-3 Residential <br />Districts. <br />6. The City is proposing to amend Section 1380 6.1 — General to All Zoning Districts to <br />state that solar energy systems in NR-1, NR-2, and NR-3 are not exempt from height <br />limitations regulated by zoning district. <br />7. Of 17 local communities surveyed, a majority allow for ground -mounted solar energy <br />systems as a use in residential districts which can be approved administratively. <br />8. In Chapter 10 of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan — Protected Resources, "City encourages <br />development of distributed solar energy systems that are in keeping with the community's <br />character and use community solar resources" is listed as an implementation strategy. <br />9. In Chapter 12 of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan — Resilience and Sustainability, <br />"Encourage the use of renewable energy and work to protect access to direct sunlight for <br />solar energy systems" is listed as an implementation strategy. <br />