Subd. 3 Type of Fill. Fill to be placed on sites shall be subject to City Engineer approval.
<br /> must be gravel, sand, dir-t, elay or-other-non deeempasable mater-ia4 similar-to natwal soils fo�d
<br /> i the uplandarea of Arden Hills. Building construction materials, concrete,bituminous, and
<br /> soils containing hazardous or toxic waste,predominately organic materials, household wastes,
<br /> mechanical debris, etc., shall not be permitted.
<br /> Subd. 4 Per-fefmanee Time. Filling and eyrea-vation operations for-wh" a pefmit has bee
<br /> issued shall be , pletea wit- i ., period of one hund-oa and twenty( 2m days_from teemmeneeffl-ent oft-he operation, and within one year-of the issuanee of the pefmit, Und-emss
<br /> e*tensien is requested of and gfanted by the City Geianefl.-.
<br /> Subd. 4-5 Periodic Operations. Periodic filling or excavation of amounts less than four
<br /> hundred (400) cubic yards per parcel or per acre shall be allowed under separate .,a, mist,-alive
<br /> Grading and Erosion Control permits until the composite total of such periodic operations
<br /> exceeds four hundred (400) cubic yards. Further operations will then be subject to a conditional
<br /> use permit in accordance with Section 1355.04, Subd. 3 tle4equifements of the Arden Hills
<br /> Code of Ordinances.
<br /> Subd. 56 Submissions. The applicant for a Grading and Erosion Control permit shall submit
<br /> the information outlined in Chapter 15 Section 1520-Erosion and Sediment Control Plans and
<br /> Review. following inf ,..,. atie„.
<br /> A. n legal dese.ipti,,, plat, or-sun,eyfpr- pei4y to be a4te.oa
<br /> B. A statement of pwTese fer the filling or- exeavafien-.
<br /> G. A plan identif�4ag the areas ef the site to be aher-ed, the esfifaa4ed quantity ef material
<br /> be meved, the degree of gFade adjustment, the pr-opesed finished gFade, the existing
<br /> proposed dr-ainage pattem, and proposed erosion eentfal measufes. A eomplete grading plan ma5
<br /> be r-equir-ed if eensidefed neeessar-y to the ep�,a4ttatien of the request.
<br /> Subd. 6-7 Review Procedure. The Grading and Erosion Control permit application shall be
<br /> reviewed by the City Engineer and other members of the administrative staff to determine the
<br /> impact of the proposed operations upon drainage patterns, adjacent properties, wetlands, and
<br /> bodies of water. The permit may be approved as submitted, approved with modifications, or
<br /> rejected because of specifically stated adverse impacts. If denied, the applicant may appeal the
<br /> administrative decision to the City Council within ten(10) days.
<br /> SECTION 3. Chapter 15 - Erosion and Sediment Control, Section 1510, Subsection
<br /> 1510.01 - Definitions is hereby amended by deleting the strip language and adding the
<br /> underlined language as follows:
<br /> • Land Disturbance Activity. Any land change greater than 3,000 2,500 square feet or 50
<br /> cubic yards, or land change on a parcel of land located within 1,000 feet of a shoreland area or
<br /> adjacent to a surface water that may result in soil erosion from wind, water and/or ice and the
<br /> movement of sediments into or upon waters or lands of the city, including but not limited to
<br /> construction, clearing and grubbing, grading, excavating, transporting and filling of land. Land
<br /> Disturbance Activity does not mean the following:
<br /> • Minor land disturbance activities such as home gardens and an individual's home
<br /> landscaping, repairs and maintenance work;
<br />