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11-08-23 PC Minutes
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PC Minutes 2023
11-08-23 PC Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – November 8, 2023 5 <br /> <br />but some could be with proper screening. He requested there be a place for ground mounted solar <br />in some Arden Hills residential districts. He commented on the privacy screen he has established <br />in his rear yard and noted the majority of his neighbors were supportive of his solar panels. He <br />discussed that some people see solar panels and think that the person who installed them cares <br />about clean energy and is concerned about the future of the environment. <br /> <br />Lynn Diaz, 1143 Ingerson Road, commented she did not have a position regarding ground <br />mounted solar. However, she recommended the screening language be further reviewed. She <br />feared that if the screening were to affect the efficiency of the panels, it will always be <br />eliminated, which will adversely impact neighboring properties. <br /> <br />There being no additional comment Chair Vijums closed the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. <br /> <br />Chair Vijums questioned if there was anything that would determine screening was not needed, <br />within the proposed code amendment. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen reviewed the proposed screening language within the code amendment, <br />that systems shall be designed to minimize visibility and are subject to the screening provisions, <br />and explained the Planning Commission could provide further comment if the language was <br />unclear. <br /> <br />Chair Vijums stated he wanted to be assured that screening was required, and if it costs more to <br />put it up, it was still required. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen confirmed that the drafted language states that ground mounted solar <br />shall be screened to the extent possible without reducing efficiency. She reported the intent of the <br />drafted language is to require arrays that would be visible to street frontage right of way and <br />adjacent residential properties to be screened with the screening being reviewed by staff. <br /> <br />Chair Vijums shared that he liked the language as written as it establishes screening as a <br />requirement. His concern is for potential loopholes with the screening requirement and the <br />associated cost. <br /> <br />Commissioner Weber indicated the cost of the solar system was separate from the cost of the <br />screening. He reported that not affecting the cost or efficacy does not apply to screening, but <br />rather to the solar system, which means the system has to be screened, regardless. His <br />understanding is that the cost of screening would not be a viable loophole to get out of required <br />screening. <br /> <br />Chair Vijums reported this screening would include walls, fences or landscaping. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bjorklund commented on how every property owner has a right to the sun. He <br />did not want the City to be reducing this right. <br /> <br />Chair Vijums moved and Commissioner Weber seconded a motion to recommend approval <br />of Planning Case 23-018 for a Zoning Code Amendment to Chapter 13 of the Arden Hills <br />City Code to allow Solar Energy System as an Accessory Use in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 <br />Residential Districts and NR-1, NR-2, and NR-3 Residential Districts, based on the findings
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