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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—NOVEMBER 13, 2023 4 <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated after the November 16 JDA Advisory meeting, which Ehlers <br /> would be attending, updates could be made to the financials. <br /> Councilmember Holden expressed concern with the fact a term sheet would be considered by the <br /> JDA prior to the City having any financial information. She asked if this would be updated before <br /> the terms. She stated she did not know how much this was going to cost the City or how we <br /> would pay for this. She asked how can we draw up terms before we know? She noted there seems <br /> to be a lot of cost details that aren't known. <br /> City Administrator Perrault indicated this was a good question. He explained the term sheet <br /> was non-binding and direction given with the document would be high level. He reported the <br /> language regarding finances would state the City intends to recoup its costs on infrastructure and <br /> covering operational costs going forward. He stated the financials will not be dependent on the <br /> term sheet and vice versa. <br /> Mayor Grant stated whatever terms are drafted, they should not violate the agreement. <br /> City Administrator Perrault reported this would the case. <br /> Mayor Grant was in agreement with Councilmember Holden that the financials would change <br /> given the changes that were made to density and zoning. He explained the Council directed staff <br /> to begin making amendments for a Comp Plan Amendment. He commented further on how the <br /> changes that were made by the JDA would impact the community. He stated he did not want to <br /> see housing and warehousing mixed together, but rather wanted this development to be something <br /> really special. He recommended the zoning be looked at further, noting the City may want more <br /> office/mixed use while eliminating the warehousing. In addition, he stated the red area within <br /> Rice Creek Commons was not to house anything "big box". He supported the Council holding <br /> further discussions regarding the proposed zoning prior to any Comp Plan Amendment being <br /> considered. <br /> Councilmember Holden discussed how the office/mixed use space was originally put into <br /> TCAAP to assist with creating jobs and these parcels have been removed. <br /> Mayor Grant stated he was pleased with how Parcel A would be developing and that it would <br /> bring jobs to the area. However, he indicated the City was missing an opportunity by not <br /> discussing the red portion of Rice Creek Commons. He reported the original plans for this <br /> development was to create 4,000 jobs. He commented on how the new plans would not come <br /> close to this number. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the Council was interested in reviewing the zoning map. <br /> Councilmember Monson stated the Mayor's concern was having flex office space next to homes, <br /> because this would allow for warehousing close to the housing. <br /> Mayor Grant reported this space, the flex office space, was designed to be warehousing. <br />