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10-17-23 PTRC
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Packets (2010 to Present)
10-17-23 PTRC
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12/14/2023 11:51:52 AM
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12/14/2023 11:51:44 AM
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Page 6 of 7 <br />The Committee discussed the particulars of staffing in summer using part-time staff and PTRC creation <br />of a work plan to present to the Council at a work session <br />Committee Member Kelliher moved to table the discussion until a revised quote can be obtained for <br />locks that can provide usage reports. Seconded by Committee Member Dietz. Motion approved 10-1, <br />Committee Member Poelzer opposed. <br />Committee Member Anderson commented that usage may not be analogous to maintenance. Based <br />on park usage data already tracked by Staff that may be adequate to start with the quoted locks. <br />Recreation Supervisor Johnson will investigate and provide an updated quote with an option for locks <br />with more advanced technology that can track usage. <br />Motion is tabled as is and is move to October meeting for further discussion and potential vote. <br />B.Bee House Locations – Griffin Boldt <br />Recreation Supervisor Johnson reported the locations of the Bee Houses as well as the Committee <br />concern for locating them at a great enough distance from playgrounds and higher traffic areas so <br />guests would not be in danger. <br />Committee Member Kelliher posed the question about how many park locations, one location or <br />three. <br />Recreation Supervisor Johnson responded that it is Mr. Boldt’s intention to install a Bee House at <br />each of the three parks, so three in total. <br />Committee Member Webber voiced her favor for the Bee House plan, increasing public awareness <br />and potentially lowering the stigma around bees. <br />Committee Member Olson commented on the need long-term plan for maintenance. <br />The Committee discussed signage, size and design. Bee types that utilize a Bee House are Leaf Cutter <br />Bees and Mason Bees. Concern was voiced for Royal Hills Park as a location, as it is smaller and <br />seemingly not a lot of flowers <br />Committee Member Kelliher clarified that the bee installation in Floral Park is an actual Bee Hive, not <br />a Bee House. <br />Chair Hinton voiced concern for Royal Hills Park as a location, as it is smaller and seemingly not a lot of <br />flowers. Asked that this be addressed in Mr. Boldt’s plan as well as the timeline for long term <br />maintenance or disposal. <br />Committee Member Kelliher moved and seconded by Committee Member Olson that we allow <br />Griffin Boldt the opportunity to present his proposal for Bee Houses at the three parks. The <br />Committee will consider his ideas on his proposal at that time and vote accordingly. The motion <br />passed unanimously, 11-0.
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