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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />JANUARY 14,2002 <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant moved and Councilmember Rem seconded a motion to <br />approve the second reading a.tld adoption of Ordinance #334, an Ordinance <br />adopting shoreland management standards within the City of Arden Hills as <br />recommended by Staff. The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant moved and Councilmember Aplikowski seconded a motion <br />to approve the publication of a summary ordinance of thc shoreland ordinance for <br />the City of Ardcn Hills as recommended by Staff. The motion carried <br />unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />B. Resolution #02-05, Resolution of Appreciation to Steve Erickson <br /> <br />Mayor Probst read the Resolution in full. He stated he had the opp011unity to appoint Mr. <br />Erickson to the Planning Conmlission. He noted Mr. Erickson has served in distinction. He <br />addcd it was sad to see Mr. Ericksou leavc, but understood the reasons behind the decision. He <br />stated the City Council needs to find some additional persons to serve on the Planning <br />Commissions. He noted his personal thanks to Mr. Erickson for his servicc on the Planning <br />Commission. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Aplikowski moved and Councilmember Rem seconded a motion <br />to adopt Resolution No. 02-05 Resolution of Appreciation to Mr. Steve Erickson. The motion <br />carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />C. Resolution #02-06, Resolution of Appreciation to Warren Pakulski <br /> <br />Councilmember Rem noted Mr. Pakulski's diligencc in assisting with the sign ordinancc. <br /> <br />Mayor rcad the Resolution of Appreciation to WaITen Pakulski in li.& He stated he concurrcd <br />with Councilmember Rem's comments. He noted publicly his thanks to Mr. Pakulski. <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Aplikowski moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a motion <br />to adopt Resolution No. 02-06 Resolution of Appreciation to Mr. Wan'en Pakulski. The motion <br />caITied unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />D. Resolution #02-07, Resolution Approving 621 Foundation Charitable Gambling <br />Bingo Hall Premises Permit Renewal Application <br /> <br />CVlr. Post explained thc three items idcntified that warrants some discussion. Hc noted staffs <br />recommendation. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst asked if staff recommends leaving the 2001 accounting "as is". Mr. Post responded <br />staffrecommends thcse mles be complied with during the next 24-month period. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. McCauley stated thc have changed thc way they makc presentations. He noted thc <br />presentations arc now made directly out of gambling ii.mds and not out of foundation funds. He <br />added he would welcome othcr recommendations. <br />