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<br />ARDEl\ HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETlNG MINUTES <br />JANUARY 14,2002 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski stated that even two months would be helpful. <br /> <br />Councilmembcr Grant stated that in the Jetter sent to Colonel Lord, the City expressed its vicw of <br />having vehicles 11l0ved on the TCAAP property to an area not visible from City HaJl. He noted <br />he did not feel the tone oCthe lcttcr was appropriate. He added he wanted to exprcss publicly <br />admiration for thc Army National Guard. He stated hc appreciated their assistance in the city <br />obtaining this property. He noted it was not appropriate to state thc vehicles should he moved <br />because they could be seen from City Hall. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst statcd there have been several conversations with Coloncl Lord and his <br />predecessors. He noted it is not the greatest front door to Arden Hills. He added the Rcserve had <br />indicated that it had never been told formally to move the vehicles. lie stated this letter is <br />intended to fonnalJy make such a request. lIe noted he also admired the Natioual Guard's <br />assistancc. <br /> <br />Councilmemher Grant stated hc would like to see the vehicles moved, but did not like the tone of <br />the letter concerning them being visible from city hall as the reason. He noted the request should <br />have been from the perspective of the City and not from the view from City HalJ. He added that <br />he personaJly does not share this pcrspective. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rem stated she would have donc the letter differently. She noted her concern <br />that if the letter \vas done as a foJlow up to previous conversations that could have bcen stated in <br />the letter. She added the City wants the National Guard to cooperate in a number of things. Shc <br />stated the view from City Hall would have bccn the last reason on her list. She noted a better <br />approach would have been that thcy had received caJls from residents regarding the view from <br />the highway. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rem stated shc had received a call last week from a resident south ofPelTY Parle <br />She noted the resident had been out of the county lor a few months. She added the resident had <br />read in the Pioneer Prcss that the City was interested in taking the residcnt's property to bc part <br />of Perry Park. She stated the resident was vcry concerned. She notcd it would be tactful on the <br />city's pal1 to contact people personally early in the process. She added a COllple other properties <br />had been in this situation. She stated it is good for city the city to be proactive. She noted the <br />resident, Mr. Mat1in, stated he had sent 1ettcr to Mr. Moore today. She added she would like to <br />see a copy ofMr. Martin's lettcr. She stated Mr. Martin wrote the letter to gct some things in <br />writing between him and the City. She noted he hoped to receive somcthing back from thc City <br />noting the il1lplications for his property. She added he was not adverse to the plans necessarily, <br />but would like to talk about it first. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated the City must bc a little careful about committing to infoD11 people ahead oC <br />time. He noted this was a group ofresidents in the community brainstorming about what thcy <br />would like to do. He added there was no timeline or decisions from the City. He statcd this was <br />similar to the Presbyicrian Homes issue. He noted thc City Counci I needs to be careful ahout how <br />many processes it puts on these groups. Hc added they wanted people to be free thinking in the <br />master planning phase. He stated it was logical to considcr the property, hLlt thcre are no funds <br />and no master plan in place. <br />