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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COLl'\CIL WORKSESSIOl'I MINUTES <br />JANUARY 22, 2002 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson suggcsted Guidant go to the surrounding neighborhood and ask <br />opinions regarding their plans which would include aestetbics and trat1ic control. Parrish <br />indicated the City could help Guidant with this rcsident meeting by identifying those <br />residents sLlnounding thc Guidant campus. Councilmcmber Rem noted she had received <br />a caJ] from a resident to thc north of the Guidant campus who is concerned about the <br />parking ramps and Cummings Park. Rcm suggested it may be helpful to show existing <br />Guidant campus boundaries in relation to thc park. Probst indicated an issue we should <br />deal with is the access road to the park and thc water tower. Parrish indicated a possible <br />solution could bc to create all access off ofWyncrest which also creates some <br />neighborhood issues. Guidant indicated curb cuts would be reduced. Parrish said the fire <br />department has been given an opportunity to provide input on the Guidant plans and they <br />did not havc an issue with the height of any proposed buildings but their issues would be <br />with access to tbe diffcrent buildings. Parrish said at this point Guidant wiJ] takc <br />comments and develop a mastcr plan which he anticipatcs will be a year long approval <br />process. Parrish indicatcd thc 2002 planned buildings may proceed without a finalizcd <br />master PUD plan. Guidant indicatcd the 2002 llew building coustruction may need a <br />variance from setbacks along Fernwood but otherwise should not violate any city codes. <br /> <br />I-35W Corridor Coalition Transportation and Redevelopment Priorities Lynch <br />recapped the items the Planncr had identified as priorities and asked if the Council was in <br />agreement with these prioriti es. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked if the City will be able to participate in the decision making <br />process for the 96/1 0 corridor. Parrish said the decision-making process would involve <br />soliciting our comments. <br /> <br />Council was in agreement on thc priorities for the Coalition and agreed to put this item on <br />the next Consent Calendar. <br /> <br />I-35W Corridor Coalition GIS Coordinator - A separate GIS coordinator has beell <br />hired by the Coalition and the City has beCll approached abOLlt providing an office lor this <br />individnal in our City HaJ] with the understanding the Coalition would provide the <br />technology working with our network server. Probst said he belicves we could bene lit <br />from providing all office for this person in our City Hall. Parrish said having this person <br />at City Hall also allows us to have access to thc cquipment that comes along with a GIS <br />function such as a projector, printer, etc. Lynch indicated we most likely would receive a <br />reduction in our pOliion of the cost for this individual ifwc provide an office for this <br />person on-site. Council agreed to placc this item on the Conscnt Calendar. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Arden Tower Update - Scherbel noted hc had solicited a cost proposal for anotber <br />evaluation of the tower and previous enginecring repOli prepared on thc tower. Larson <br />said he believes the City should not be picking up the cost of this second cvaluation. <br />Scherbcl said according to the building code he can require an evaluation ifhc believes <br />something is unsafe but it would be up Vaughn to choose the company and cost. <br />Scherbcl said a qualified engineer should evaluatc thc report and prepare an indcpcndent <br />