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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUKCIL MEETING MTNUTES <br />FEBRUARY 25, 2002 <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that as long as the change was revenue neutral he had no real opinion on the <br />matter. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst explained he would give a further update on the TCAAP issucs. lIe stated he did <br />have a call from Ms. Link. He noted he did not have an opportunity to retum that call. Hc <br />added one other party remains very interested. He added he had indicated that the City is still on <br />track to make a decision by the end of March. He stated he did not know if othcrs had been <br />contacted or have an interest beyond these folks. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that concerning the TCAAP meeting this evening he would have to confess <br />to being a bit discouraged with the conversation. He noted it was not ncarly as positive as the <br />previous meeting. He added he did not know ifit was because something was in writing. He <br />stated it is clear the City would have strong support from the surrounding communities. He <br />noted it is not clear, where the enviromnental groups would be on this issuc. He added it is clear <br />they have more work to do there. <br /> <br />Councilmcmber Rcm statcd it seemed clear to her that one person speaking on behalf on the <br />environmental group wanted to see specific acrcagc and designations on this land for public use. <br />She noted the resolution seemed too vague to them as drafted. She added that it could be it was <br />thc first timc that they saw something in writing. She stated people wanted more specifics. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated the represcntative from Representative McCollum's orficc wanted <br />more specilics. He noted thc resolution was not intended to be legislation, but just a show of <br />support from the surrounding communities. He added that once it is complcte they could move <br />forward on legislation. He slated that is not clear to all the parties. Hc noted that over the ncxt <br />few weeks he thinks that all thc units that review it would approve it. He added the <br />environmentalist wanted to save open space. He stated the advocate was present and wanted to <br />attach a certain nunlber of acres to a spccific use. He noted that to get down to that level of detail <br />would bog down the proccss. He added some felt that way while others wanted more details. He <br />stated more discussions are wananted. He statcd it is important that a member of the City <br />Council appear at each meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated he came away somewhat frustrated. He noted that when they go into the <br />right level of detail there are already accusations. He added some fccl that the Mill's plan is the <br />City's plan. He stated the City had no involvement in the Mill's plan. He noted hc does not <br />know how to get past that viewpoint. He added therc are concems about prcserving features and <br />open space. He stated there is somc clear work to do. He noted he is at a loss on how to solve <br />somc of thcsc issues. <br /> <br />Councilmcmber Larson stated the Vento plan was among the packet materials. Hc noted it had a <br />map accompanying it showing as far as it could what was intended. He added they could includc <br />. the number of acres in the resolution. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated those were inclllded in an attachment. <br />