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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br />APRIL 8, 2002 <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant also asked for atl explanation rcgarding the narrowing of roads and the <br />lack of infrastructure for Stonnwater system. <br /> <br />Mr. Applebaum responded that the storm water ponding and piping system is not necessarily <br />applicable everywhere. They try to deal with Stormwater as a resource and not as a waste <br />product, and in some locations thcy have been able to construct curbing that assists in protecting <br />the road-bed. <br /> <br />Council Member Grant asked if at the Arbor Lakes project, which projects came first - the large <br />scale retail format or the smaller format behind. <br /> <br />The group responded that this was fairly typical, but at Arbor Lakes, they had previously <br />dcsigncd the smaller scalc retail as a part of the large scalc format. <br /> <br />City Council Member Larson asked if largc scale retail use is not part of the development of <br />TCAPP, is OPUS still interested in this project. <br /> <br />Mr. Murnane said they would still look at the TCAAP project, and bring in their mam <br />development type, which is office and commercial development. Hc also said they would not <br />"kid themselves" as to what the City wanted. <br /> <br />Council Member Larson asked, if thc development is primarily residential, is success still <br />possible. <br /> <br />Mr. Newman responded by saying he bclieved that redevelopment can be supported primarily by <br />residential development. <br /> <br />Council Member Rem asked about the timc frame and what is realistic. <br /> <br />The group responded that a Woodbury project rcquired a 24-month delay, but they anticipate <br />preliminary plat approval by August/Scptember 2002, and arc patient regarding this [TCAAP] <br />project as we]]. <br /> <br />Council Member Larson asked how they would get around a landlord that wants to release the <br />property with a clean-up level only to industrial standards. <br /> <br />The group responded that there are funds available [at the Congrcssional level] to assist in <br />cleaning up a site to a higher standard, atld they could look to Senator Dayton for assistance. Mr. <br />Rockenstein pointed out that there is a gap in land value; the Anny cannot market the property as <br />commercial!residential standards, which would ultimately impact the valued that is determined <br />for the property. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst indicated that they would like to find someone to partner with the City, and use the <br />developer's money for investigation and planning. He inquired if OPUS was comfortable with <br />that scenario. <br />