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12-06-23 PC Minutes
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PC Minutes 2023
12-06-23 PC Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – December 6, 2023 14 <br /> <br />Commission Mitchell that it was a problem to place housing adjacent to Highway 10 and County <br />Road 96. She discussed how the development only had two access points which would lead to <br />traffic concerns. She did not believe this project was utopian progress, but rather would distort a <br />suburb for the sake of density goals from outside our borders that were inflicted on the City by a <br />hostile takeover of the City the slate, three of four who were elected. She encouraged the <br />Commission to slow down and to review the traffic study, AUAR and financials once they were <br />available before making a density decision. She believed density should not be decided before <br />these things were done. <br /> <br />Donna Wiemann, 1406 Arden View Drive, stated at the November 1 TCAAP community <br />engagement meeting there were many varied concerns, reactions and questions. She noted a <br />summary of the comments received were submitted to the JDA on Monday, December 4. Since <br />that time, nothing has changed. Apparently, what the residents were saying on the surveys or the <br />questions that were raised did not make any difference to the proposal being considered by the <br />Commission. She reported the Commission was being asked to change the comp plan without <br />many questions being answered. She stated traffic was a major concern and a traffic study has not <br />been completed. Another concern was how the schools will be impacted, and the City does not <br />know. She asked how many more police officers or firefighters will be required to keep the <br />community safe. She questioned how much more residents will have to pay for utilities and <br />streets before property owners within TCAAP begin paying their fare share. She noted the <br />preliminary agreement that was signed by the developer and JDA calls for a minimum number of <br />units to be affordable (20% of the units at 60% AMI). She stated this means hundreds of units <br />will be at a minimum affordable to renters. She questioned who would decide if this minimum <br />number could be increased. She understood Ramsey County needs 15,000 deeply affordable units <br />(units affordable at 30% AMI) we don’t know what that means to TCAAP. She reported when it <br />comes to subsidies for these very affordable units, it typically comes from TIF, which would <br />have to be funded by the City. Lastly, she noted the TCAAP vision included parcels that were to <br />be developed for commercial, industrial and retail. She stated this was included for economic <br />vitality and to create good paying jobs. She commented on how removing 30 acres from the <br />commercial/retail space of the development would impact jobs. She suggested the City speak <br />with local businesses to see if they are interested in moving to Arden Hills. She was of the <br />opinion good paying jobs were just as important as housing. She urged the Commission to hold <br />off from taking action on this item until the Commission had more information. <br /> <br />Sherrie Marcy, 1460 Arden View Drive, stated she was encouraged by what the City was doing <br />and commented on how important it was for people to have homes. She explained she <br />appreciated the work the City has put into this project and urged the Commission to support the <br />additional housing density. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission received at the dais copies of public comments submitted in advance <br />of the meeting from the following individuals: <br />Frances Thelen, 1222 Carlton Drive <br />Katie Bach and Nate Cmiel, 1861 Highway 96 W. <br />Keith Gilbert, no address provided <br />Arnie and Shelly Hawkins, 1820 Chatham Avenue <br />Lyle Salmela, 1480 Arden Vista Court <br />Rich Straumann, 4380 Arden View Court <br />Kate Olson, no address provided
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