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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 12,2001 <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson stated sometimes different perspectives are brought to table and without <br />women on the committee some perspectives might be left out. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski stated there is a City Events Task Force meeting on Wednesday. <br />She noted it is the time for things to really pop and go crazy. She added she thinks it is going <br />quite well. She stated she likes the commentary at the end of the minutes. She noted she thinks <br />it is important and a good comment on where people are coming from, which is worthwhile. <br />She added somewhere in the future they should take a look at annexation of an area that is now <br />part of Roseville. She stated they are going to look at repairing the roads. She noted it would be <br />good public policy to make it a city project. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rem stated on Wednesday there is a Website Task Force meeting. She noted <br />they are at the end of the review. She added there is still time to add a short note to the <br />newsletter. She stated the Communications Committee does not meet until the end of the month, <br />yet the deadline is Friday of this week. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated there is a Grand opening for the Children Safety Center on March 21. He <br />noted he would not be able to attend if anyone is interested. He added the I-35W Corridor <br />Coalition has invited them to participate on the Northeast Diagonal Corridor Study. He stated he <br />is anticipating someone from that coalition will be involved in appointing someone here. He <br />noted they did meet last Wednesday night to look at legislative issues. He added the Executive <br />Director and staff are working on making contacts. He stated Mayors and administrators are <br />invited to speak. He noted they are pursuing operating dollars for organization and project <br />moneys for two projects identified in the Coalition. He added they are trying to convince the <br />legislature to approve a funding source out of the box. He stated that right now the fastest one <br />could get project started is five years. He noted the average time eight to ten years. He added <br />hopefully if they work as a coalition they could work more quickly. He stated that although <br />Arden Hills does not have a project now clearly with the arsenal property there time is going to <br />come. He noted it would be critical to have that support. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst explained his opposition to have the County using cold in place instead of <br />recycling. He gave an example of where it was done and noted the road is in as bad of shape as <br />before the work was done. He stated he would like a more aggressive approach to <br />reconstruction. He noted he thinks the council has to come to a decision on where they want to <br />proceed. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst noted he met with Mr. Fred McCoy, President of CPI Guidant, on Friday. He <br />added he got a tour of the facility and was questioned about the city's view of business' role in <br />the city. He stated he suggested one thing most valuable to the city is for people like himself <br />involved in committees and commissions. He noted this would in a positive way take advantage <br />of their integrity and ideas. He added it seems that Guidant as a company seems to want to be <br />come part of the community. He stated it had occurred to him while he was there that they could <br />be doing more with the business community. He noted while it is not physically possible to <br />meet everyone, it is a good idea to go to the major employers to talk and to invite them into the <br />process. <br />