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01-10-24 EDC Agenda Packet
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01-10-24 EDC Agenda Packet
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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION – OCTOBER 25, 2023 3 <br />asked if everyone would like to continue receiving a physical packet, or would the online version <br />be sufficient. <br /> <br />After discussion, it was decided that a PDF would be shared in advance of the meeting, as well as <br />published on the City website. <br /> <br />B. Sign Code Review Update – Wall Signs <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen stated that at the August 23 meeting of the Economic Development <br />Commission, staff presented an overview of Chapter 12 – Sign Code of the City’s Code of <br />Ordinances. Staff was asked to prepare information about recent requests for flexibility from the <br />sign code regulations, and comparisons with other community’s sign codes. On September 25, <br />staff shared the sign codes for the City of New Brighton and the City of Shoreview as points of <br />comparison for the Arden Hills sign code. Staff has researched planning cases that have <br />requested flexibility from the sign code. In the 16 cases, there were 13 requests for flexibility <br />from wall signage requirements and the most common wall sign flexibility request was for an <br />increase in square feet permitted. The 13 cases represent 11 applicants as one applicant had three <br />separate cases with requests for wall signage flexibility. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen explained the average amounts of additional signage, adjusting for an <br />outlier, was 2.15 times the permitted maximum square footage. With the outlier, the average is <br />3.71 times the permitted maximum square footage. The average amount of additional signage <br />granted by the City Council was 1.96 times greater than the permitted square footage, without <br />the outlier, and 2.7 times greater with the outlier. Most of the requests came from applicants <br />with frontage on Lexington Avenue, County Road E and I35W, and there was a greater <br />percentage of flexibility granted in those areas. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen gave a high-level overview of the sign districts most often represented, <br />as well as comparisons between Shoreview and New Brighton. <br /> <br />Commissioner Gronquist asked if there was a multiunit building, would each business have the <br />same amount of wall space or was it total for the whole building, and how would they calculate <br />the allowed amount because the number of tenants could change. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen replied that in Shoreview and New Brighton it would be for the total <br />building. In Shoreview they have a master sign plan requirement for multitenant buildings. New <br />Brighton establishes for the whole building, and it is apportioned based on the tenant’s space. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding variance requests and amount of space occupied. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen stated some items for discussion included: <br />- How the total sign copy area for wall signs is calculated. <br />- How wall sign regulations may vary across and within zoning districts. <br />- How frontage factors into the application of wall sign regulations. <br /> <br />Commissioner Cupery said it was confusing to have so many different zones. He felt it would <br />be easier for business owners if it were based on the percentage of elevation, and by zoning <br />district. He thought the code should be simpler and more universal.
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