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<br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - MAY 14,2001 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Lynch explained no one bidder had bid on all of the items. He stated there were six separate <br />bidders with low bids on some of the items. He noted there were many items on the State of <br />Minnesota contract. He added the budget estimates for furniture was $155,000. He stated the <br />bid is $34,121.91 under the budget estimate. He noted kitchen appliances, lower level storage <br />shelving, or facility artwork was not included in the bid packet. He added they are planning a <br />end of July move in date. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked for clarification. Mr. Lynch responded the difference is a result of. <br />competitive bids. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant moved and Councilmember Larson seconded a motion to <br />award the Furniture bid to the six low item bidders (Albinsons, F.S.I., General <br />Office Products, KI, Pink, and Playscape) in an amount not to exceed <br />$120,878.09, and to authorize the City Administrator to execute all necessary <br />documents and contracts to proceed with purchase and installation. The motion <br />carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />C. 2001 Water Tower Maintenance Project, Award of Bid (Budgeted 2001 <br />Maintenance Item) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Moore explained the tower maintenance project for 2001 would consist of cleaning, <br />repairing and painting the North Tower. He stated the North Tower is currently painted 'Arden <br />Hills Tan'. He noted a safety ladder (ladder modifications) would be installed on the South <br />Tower. He added two options were included in the maintenance project. He stated Option A is <br />placing the new City Logo on the North Tower and Option B is placing the new City logo on the <br />South Tower. He noted the maintenance project would start on or before June 4, 2001 and be <br />completed on or before July 6, 2001. He added the bid opening was held on April 19, 2001. He <br />stated there were four bidders. He noted Champion Coatings, Inc. was the low bidder. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson asked if the option was for the South Tower to be painted Arden Hills <br />tan. Mr. Moore responded that the option was to only paint a 10% section and not to paint the <br />entire tower to change the color from blue to tan. He noted the cost estimate to repaint the entire <br />tower was $140,000. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson asked if it was a single logo or on two sides. Mr. Moore responded a <br />single logo south facing and able to be seen from Highway 694. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked if this was a line item in the budget. Mr. Post responded it was <br />budgeted in the water utility budget for $40,0000. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant moved and Councilmember Larson seconded a motion to <br />award to Champion Coatings, Inc. the contract for the cleaning, repairing and <br />painting of the 500,000 gallon Hydropillar (North Tower) and ladder <br />modifications on the 1.0 MMG Hydropillar (South Tower) at a cost not to exceed <br />$24,800 and to authorize Option A, the placing of the new City Logo on the North <br />Tower at a cost not to exceed $13,675. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />. <br />