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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—NOVEMBER 27, 2023 4 <br /> she understood this may be the case in other communities, she wanted to see examples of projects <br /> along Highway 96 that match the size, scop and density of TCAAP. <br /> George Winiecki, 4175 Old Highway 10, thanked the Council for serving the community. He <br /> explained he has lived in the community for over 75 years. He indicated he did not understand <br /> what the JDA was proposing for the TCAAP development. He stated he was concerned with the <br /> original request of 1,500 units and now another 500 units was being added. He commented on <br /> how this project will impact the current residents of Arden Hills. He understood Ramsey County <br /> did not have spare cash laying around, but was proposing a large amount of affordable housing <br /> within this project. He stated he wasn't saying the City shouldn't help people, but he feared too <br /> many people were asking for help from the City, County and State. He questioned where money <br /> would come from to take care of the proposed affordable housing. He anticipated there would be a <br /> breaking point. He commented on how his property taxes would be going up 23% in 2024. He <br /> believed that adding 500 additional units to Arden Hills would be a crushing blow to the <br /> community and the City would not be able to afford the bill for the additional police, fire, <br /> infrastructure and maintenance. <br /> Linda Swanson, 1124 Ingerson Road, reported she still has not received a response to her <br /> questions made to the Council on September 11 and October 1. She spoke to the Council <br /> regarding transparency and commented on the discussions she has had with staff regarding JDA <br /> Advisory Committee meetings. She expressed concern with the fact there was no record of when <br /> the JDA Advisory Committee would be meeting. She was of the opinion, this was not <br /> transparent. She urged the Councilmembers who serve on the JDA to be more transparent. She <br /> recommended these meetings be accessible to the public and that the meeting schedule also be <br /> made available to the public. <br /> Mayor Grant requested staff prepare answers to the list of questions that were brought to the City <br /> from Ms. Swanson. <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated he would work with Ms. Swanson to draft answers to the <br /> questions. <br /> Councilmember Monson indicated she did not agree with staff responding to these questions <br /> until she knew what the questions were. <br /> Councilmember Holden recalled that at the September 11 and October 1 meetings the Council <br /> requested staff to respond to these questions. She recommended staff review the minutes to see <br /> what direction was provided. She did not support the Council changing their action from the <br /> direction that was given at these meetings. <br /> Ms. Swanson addressed the Council again and reviewed the two questions she provided to the <br /> Council on September 11 and October 1. The first question she asked was that a full verbatim <br /> report from City Administrator Perrault be placed on the City's website or in the Council minutes. <br /> Councilmember Monson indicated she could support the TCAAP/Rice Creek Commons update <br /> being posted on the City's website. She asked why this report was not already included in the City <br /> Council minutes. <br />