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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—DECEMBER 11, 2023 10 <br /> projects in 2023 and so the City would be short on the revenue side by $120,000. He also noted <br /> that previous Finance Director Bauman made the assertion that regarding the potential for <br /> overages for 2023, she was not anticipating there would be any. He said he is not sure this is an <br /> accurate statement as we would not know until Quarter 1 of 2024, but that was her latest <br /> projection. <br /> Mayor Grant clarified for the record, there would be development projects occurring in Arden <br /> Hills in 2024. He noted they could not say specifically which ones but if you listen to the Planning <br /> Commission there are cases coming through, though not as large as some of the other projects, <br /> and to say there won't be any would be a bit of a stretch. He said the projects may not be as large <br /> as New Perspective or Arden Senior Living or something of that nature, though it is possible that <br /> it may happen. He stated he did not know that he wanted to bet the budget on it necessarily. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if there was a party interested in the PACE building on <br /> Lexington. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe reported this was the case noting the City Council <br /> would be reviewing this project at their January 8, 2024 meeting. <br /> Councilmember Holden indicated the Arby's building also had a project in the works. She asked <br /> if staff had an update on the North Heights project. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe stated she has not received an update on this project, <br /> but noted the church still has a purchase agreement in place with the developer. She noted it was <br /> her understanding this purchase agreement would be in place through mid-2024. <br /> Councilmember Fabel stated based on his understanding the Council went through a very careful <br /> budgeting process and based on his confidence in staff, in addition to his inherent dislike of <br /> unbalanced budgets, he recommended the City Council keep the tax levy at 12.55%. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Fabel moved and Councilmember Rousseau seconded a <br /> motion to adopt Resolution 2023-062 Setting the Final Tax Lew (12.55%) for <br /> Taxes Payable in 2024. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau stated she was not willing to bet the budget on two carwashes going <br /> into Arby's and the Pace site at this time. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated what Councilmember Fabel said was true, that staff provides the <br /> Council with their best estimates and they do a wonderful job. However, she did not see how 2024 <br /> would be different from any other year, in that the City would end the year with a surplus. <br /> Councilmember Monson explained she was concerned with how interest rates were rising and <br /> how this would impact or slow development in the coming year. She stated she did not want to <br /> kick the can down the road when it comes to the budget. She referenced conversations at the work <br /> sessions where Council talked about doing a franchise fee because Staff said the City will be short <br /> $400,000 and we need to have that coming in starting in 2025. She noted that (a franchise fee) is <br /> a fee on everybody, so there are advantages and disadvantages to that. She stated it also concerns <br />