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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—DECEMBER 11, 2023 12 <br /> Councilmember Monson welcomed Finance Director Joua Yang to the City of Arden Hills. <br /> Councilmember Monson stated she took a tour with several other Councilmembers and JDA <br /> members of two different Alatus developments. She explained one of the developments was 116 <br /> units at-50% AMI with several of the units being set aside at 30% AMI. She commented further <br /> on how quickly these units have leased. She appreciated how well this building was done, noting <br /> it would have market rate units next to it in Hopkins. <br /> Councilmember Monson explained the fire department held an open house on the building of a <br /> new station where design information was presented to the public. She discussed how training <br /> space would be built into this facility. She indicated she spoke to the architect about the <br /> sustainability measures that were being incorporated into this building. <br /> Councilmember Fabel stated he was truly impressed by the Alatus development he visited this <br /> morning in Hopkins. He explained the project has a size and density that was almost identical to <br /> the Town Center project within Rice Creek Commons. He encouraged the public to visit this <br /> project in order to better understand the proposed density. He stated he was impressed by how <br /> positive the work relationship was between Alatus and the cities of Hopkins and Columbia <br /> Heights. He indicated he came away from these tours very enthused regarding the relationship the <br /> City has with Alatus and where the planning process was for Rice Creek Commons. <br /> Councilmember Holden reported she was not able to attend the tour this morning. She stated it <br /> was curious that Alatus had not toured a 10 or 15 year old apartment complex with the Council <br /> and JDA members. She understood Mr. Lux would not be managing the apartment buildings he <br /> constructs. She commented on how the apartments in Hopkins were located on a bus line, which <br /> would differ from the apartments that were being built on Rice Creek Commons. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested the fire department provide the City with more timely <br /> information on their publicly hosted events. She questioned what work was being done to pursue <br /> additional funding for the fire station. <br /> Councilmember Monson stated she could report back with this information at a future City <br /> Council meeting. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau reported at the last Planning Commission meeting, the Rice Creek <br /> Commons density was approved on a 4-2 vote. She indicated six of the Commissioners expressed <br /> concern regarding air and noise pollution and strongly advised that the Council study these <br /> matters in order to mitigate these factors, particularly around the areas surrounding Highway 10/ <br /> Highway 96. In addition, the Commission was concerned with the fact an updated traffic study <br /> had not been completed. The Commission recommended the proposed North Heights project be <br /> included within the traffic study. She stated a Commissioner spoke to her regarding the <br /> importance of having owner occupied units on Rice Creek Commons versus rental/AirBNB units. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau explained she had a meeting with a resident last week where they <br /> provided glowing feedback after their interactions with Community Development Director Jagoe. <br /> She thanked Director Jagoe for caring for the City's residents. <br />