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CC 12-10-2001
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City Council Minutes
CC 12-10-2001
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 10,2001 15 <br /> . Mayor Probst stated some activities on the arsenal property are heating up. He noted he has met <br /> with the third developer. He added it would be on the agenda at a future worksession. He stated <br /> they have been told the presentation would be limited to 45 minutes or less. He noted they would <br /> have a strong team with a strong presentation. He added the other two parties would like to <br /> schedule time in January. He stated they might need to schedule some special meetings in <br /> January. He noted he hoped they could make a decision in early February as to how they wanted <br /> to proceed. He added that if they wanted to go through an RFP process they could do that. He <br /> stated Mr. Parrish is going to walk the Council through a draft of the package for Representative <br /> McCollum. He noted if the Council is comfortable with what it is seeing, then a draft copy could <br /> go to Representative McCollum's staff to see if anything further is needed. <br /> Mr. Lynch stated he met with Mr. Brown and Mr. Parrish to discuss the type of package to <br /> prepare. He explained the components of the presentation: a base map showing the current <br /> situation, an aerial photo showing an overlay of the property, a use map with the contamination <br /> areas, the National Guard's proposed acquisition map, the City's proposed acquisition map, and a <br /> composite map showing all the above compressed into one map. He stated there was also <br /> literature surrounding those maps. He noted Mr. Parrish developed a summary history. He added <br /> that he did summary of recent events. He stated the final presentation ends up being a dozen <br /> pages. He noted they have not completed the requested action page. He added they could request <br /> the acquisition of the northwest to southwest comer or federal legislation for that property <br /> . acquisition. He stated this was an area where Representative McCollum's staff could assist them <br /> with how that could be phrased. <br /> Mayor Probst asked if the City had all these maps electronically now so it could provide <br /> whatever is needed. Mr. Parrish responded they did not have them all now, but would have them <br /> shortly. <br /> Mayor Probst stated they should be clear in their overture to the Congresswoman that the City is <br /> requesting a title transfer to the City of the development area. <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski asked about the change in the name of the plan. <br /> Mayor Probst stated they might want to have two separate documents. He noted one would be the <br /> Vento Reutilization Plan and the other would be the City's Comprehensive Plan that follows it. <br /> He added this would show the City has been consistent. <br /> Mr. Parrish stated they have not been able to find the Vento Reutilization Plan with a map of <br /> land uses. He noted they had only been able to find the general principles. <br /> Mayor Probst stated he thought there was a drawing. <br /> Councilmember Larson stated he thought it was important for Representative McCollum to <br /> . understand there has been some real continuity. <br /> Mayor Probst stated it is critical to have it. He noted that otherwise the city goes back to the <br /> drawing board. He added it would show the City had been consistent and honorable in its <br />
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