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<br /> I <br /> I <br /> I~ ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER 26. 1995 7 <br /> Councilmember Keim requested that concern has been expressed for the road condition of <br /> I Edgewater A venue and needs to be addressed. <br /> MOTION: Malone moved and Aplikowski seconded a motion to adopt Resolution No. 95- <br /> I 90, Receiving PreliminAry Report and Calling for a Public Hearing for the 1996 <br /> Street Improvements. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> I National Guard Payment <br /> I Mr. Fritsinger reported to the Council that the National Guard has requested reimbursement of <br /> $14,745.20 for the City of Arden Hills share of the water and sewer connection at the National <br /> Guard site. In addition, the engineer for the National Guard (Melchert!Block Associates) has <br /> I requested an additional $5,384.42 for other costs associated with the project. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger continued that the City agreed in June 1995 to participate in a project to connect to <br /> I municipal water and sewer for the Minnesota Army National Guard, with the City's share of the <br /> cost to be between $16,875 and $19,875. The exact cost would be dependent on whether a ten or <br /> twelve inch water main was necessary in the public sanitary sewer lift station. <br /> Ie MelchertlBlock Associates stated that a ten inch water main would be adequate to supply the <br /> facility. The City Engineer requested calculations proving the facility only needed a ten inch <br /> 1 water service, as well as the City requesting this information in a letter dated July 25, 1995. To <br /> date, no information has been provided to the City or Engineer. An additional $734.42 is also <br /> I due for a tracer wire along the PVC force main. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger stated he initially recommended payment of the $15,479.62 for the City's share in <br /> I' the water and sewer connection project and to authorize Staff to reimburse the National Guard <br /> for the $5,384.42, once appropriate documentation and City Engineer approval is given. <br /> However, after discussion with the National Guard earlier today the Guard requested payment <br /> 1 only for the amount invoiced. Staff recommends payment of$14,745.20 and authorization to <br /> reimburse the National Guard for the remainder, once appropriate documentation and City <br /> Engineer approval is given. <br /> 1 Councilmember Malone asked what the Guard's position is on the overage. Mr. Fritsinger <br /> replied that the Guard has stated it believes it is the City's responsibility to obtain the specific <br /> I calculations if that is what is required. <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski indicated that the National Guard believes a letter was sent dated <br /> I December 14, 1995 with the requested information and that nothing further was needed. Mr. <br /> Fritsinger agreed that the National Guard believes this, but the City has been very clear from the <br /> .e start of this project that it was the National Guards responsibility to provide the oversizing <br /> calculations. <br /> 1 <br />