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Mr. Stutz reported he does not have experience with this organization. <br /> Mr. Lux indicated he has not done a project with Habitat for Humanity but stated it would make <br /> sense to work with them. <br /> Further discussion ensued on how the current building standards may impact affordability of <br /> the housing units within the development. <br /> Director Perrault requested the developers provide the JDA with a list of building requirements <br /> that make affordable units more difficult. Mr. Lux stated he would do this. <br /> Commissioner Monson stated she wanted high quality homes, as well as affordable homes <br /> within this development. She hoped the right balance could be struck. <br /> Chair Wicklund asked that the JDA have a brief conversation on if there was consensus around <br /> the proposed density of 1,960 units. <br /> Commissioner Frethem stated she supported the project having 1,960 units. She noted even at <br /> this number, the vast majority of the project would still remain low density. <br /> Commissioner Monson questioned what would be dropped if the density were reduced to <br /> 1,780. <br /> Mr. Lux anticipated some of the units in the flex area would be reduced. <br /> Commissioner Monson requested Alatus provide examples for the 1,960 and 1,780 densities at <br /> the open house. <br /> Commissioner Fabel questioned if the developers believed the 1,960 number was the correct <br /> density in order to create a successful development. Mr. Lux stated he believed this would be a <br /> successful development at 1,780, 1,960 or 2,500. He was of the opinion the 1,960 number was <br /> a good number and that the proposed layout works well on the site. He recommended the JDA <br /> stick with 1,960 or go higher because there was a demand for housing. <br /> Commissioner Fabel asked Mr. Lux to speak further on what he means when he said density is <br /> your friend. Mr. Lux commented from an environmental standpoint and the enjoyment people <br /> could have in their housing units, when higher density products are created more amenities can <br /> be included. He explained this community was perfectly located and he believed the more <br /> density the better. <br /> Commissioner Monson stated when she thinks about a community and what people want <br /> today, it includes amenities and transit options. She reported this development was not being <br /> built for her but rather was being built for the next generation. She indicated this was attractive <br /> 11 <br />