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12-0402023 JDA Agenda Packet
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12-0402023 JDA Agenda Packet
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proposed was not pulled out of thin air. But rather was derived after numerous public <br /> discussions, conversations with stakeholders and multiple open houses. She reported Alatus <br /> President Bob Lux was part of the consensus when the JDA previously established the 1,460 <br /> number as was former Councilmember now serving as Chair of the JDA,Jonathan Wicklund. <br /> She indicated the JDA was all about transparency, but did nothing to correct the <br /> misinformation. Historical information was provided on how the previous JDA came together to <br /> decide on park sizes, lot sizes for the different neighborhoods, parking and street locations. She <br /> expressed frustration with the fact the JDA did not correct the misinformation that the 1,460 <br /> number was picked out of thin air. She reported this claim was not part of the public record <br /> and on video for all to view. She noted when the City arrived at this number, none of the <br /> people serving on the JDA choose to attend the public meetings, except for Chair Wicklund. She <br /> expressed frustration with the fact the JDA Advisory Committee was holding closed door <br /> meetings and was then announcing plans, which was not transparent. She discussed how <br /> Commissioner Frethem came to the City Council and spoke to them about all kinds of County <br /> projects and yet the largest project facing the community, TCAAP, was not one of them. She <br /> commented on how the Councilmembers serving on the JDA ran on a campaign that promised <br /> transparency, that TCAAP was not to impact traffic, and that residents would be allowed to <br /> vote on the final decision. She questioned what happened. She believed the JDA has embarked <br /> on decisions without providing information or input from current or past Councilmembers, <br /> without involving the public, or without considering any transportation solutions or studies. She <br /> noted Congresswomen Betty McCullum once told her this was her city and not the county's and <br /> it was her job to do what was in the best interest of the City. She urged the JDA to consider the <br /> impacts of their decisions on the City. <br /> Donna Weiman, 1406 Arden View Drive, noted the JDA were elected representatives were <br /> closing in on a TCAAP plan without any public participation. She explained the plan was <br /> conceived behind closed doors at JDA Advisory Committee meetings. She indicated even the <br /> mayor was not allowed to attend these meetings. She stated a plan was being presented to the <br /> public when it was so far along the JDA was seeking feedback instead of input. She discussed <br /> how the TCAAP development will change the character of northern Arden Hills for decades to <br /> come. She indicated there were currently 1,435 units in the northern part of the City and the <br /> population was 3,730. She explained the number of units proposed for TCAAP was 1,960, which <br /> would add 5,170 people to northern Arden Hills. She reported there were no plans for public <br /> transportation for this area and most of the people living in the new units would need cars to <br /> get groceries, to medical appointments, etc. She feared how traffic in northern Arden Hills <br /> would be impacted. In addition, a big box retail store was being proposed within the <br /> development, which would draw additional traffic to the area. She believed the proposed <br /> density for northern Arden Hills was excessive. She asked what she could do to make the JDA <br /> care about the people living in northern Arden Hills. <br /> Linda Swanson, 1124 Ingerson Road, stated she was saddened and appalled that the Arden Hills <br /> City Council, nor its residents were invited to attend the November 1 community event that has <br /> been planned. She explained she found out about this event after visiting the Ramsey County <br /> Rice Creek Commons website. She reported there was nothing on the Arden Hills website about <br /> 15 <br />
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