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mandate from an authoritative government that pretends it knows what is livable and wanted <br /> for the long term. She reported housing is important, but should not be gained in a manner that <br /> denies the voices of Arden Hills residents. She believed the process being followed by the JDA <br /> was lacking civic virtue which was immoral. She explained Jon Wicklund serves on the Planning <br /> Commission and serves on the JDA, but the Mayor and Councilmember Brenda Holmes were <br /> denied access to the JDA, which was a group they formed. She feared this was unethical. She <br /> urged those serving on the JDA to be wise, honest and fair. She anticipated the public would <br /> continue to not be able to trust the actions of the JDA so long as secret meetings were being <br /> held. She commented on how she believed Councilmember Fabel was blocking information <br /> regarding TCAAP from getting to the public. She understood the JDA has already made up their <br /> mind about the density for TCAAP, suggesting this project would be more dense per square <br /> mile than any other project in Ramsey County or Hennepin County. She reported this property <br /> only had two entrance/exit points. She feared how traffic from this development would <br /> adversely impact Highway 96. She hoped that the JDA members could find its ethical compass <br /> and would restore civic virtue in order to create a project that compliments the community <br /> rather than blights Arden Hills. <br /> Community Open House Debrief <br /> John Slack, Perkins & Will, explained his firm was hired to assist with defining a strategy for the <br /> open house, which was held last Wednesday. He provided the JDA with a summary of the event <br /> noting there were seven information stations. He estimated 165+ people attended and 56 <br /> surveys were completed. He reviewed the results from the surveys that were completed, noting <br /> there was support for parks and open space, sustainability, the development plan and densities <br /> as well as the housing types. He noted there were also negative responses for development <br /> plan and densities, the proposed housing types and concerns regarding traffic/congestion. He <br /> provided further comment on the themes received from the survey stating there should be a <br /> diversity of housing types and sizes,job opportunities and new businesses. He then reviewed <br /> several of the positive and negative comments that were received at the event. The media <br /> coverage that was provided for this event was further discussed. <br /> Commissioner Fabel asked if Mr. Slack had links for the media coverage. Director Collins <br /> explained she could provide these links to the JDA members. <br /> Commissioner Monson questioned why only 56 surveys were completed. Mr. Slack stated this <br /> could be because there may not have been enough space to sit down and complete the survey. <br /> He believed those tending to the check in table did a great job handing out the surveys at the <br /> door. <br /> Commissioner Reinhardt stated she was thrilled to see the number of people that attended the <br /> open house. She explained she stayed until the last 15 minutes of the event and that was when <br /> she was finally able to view the seven stations. She thanked staff and Mr. Slack for all of their <br /> efforts. She recommended more signage be posted at future events. She believed one of the <br /> highlights of the event was when Bob Lux spoke about density. She commented on how <br /> 27 <br />