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Commissioner Fabel questioned if various levels of affordability would be considered. Mr. Lux <br /> reported this was the case. He commented on the competitive tax programs (LIHTC) that were <br /> in place to assist with constructing affordable units at 60%AMI or lower. <br /> Commissioner Fabel asked if this development would include a LIHTC project. Mr. Lux <br /> anticipated this development would have at least two LIHTC buildings. <br /> Chair Wicklund requested the JDA now focus on any other comments or questions they have. <br /> Commissioner Frethem requested comment on how the developer will assist with reaching the <br /> proposed energy goals for this project. <br /> Commissioner Monson stated the goal was to have this site all electric. <br /> Mr. Lux commented he was very supportive of this initiative from the multi-family side. He <br /> explained all of his buildings were heated and cooled through a VRF system. He indicated the <br /> only natural gas he has been putting in buildings was for outdoor grills. <br /> Mr. Stutz stated he cannot recall the last time he sold an electric range. He commented on how <br /> the market was preparing for a shift to more electric appliances and solar panels. He reported <br /> he was working to be net zero energy ready. He indicated another concern for him was that the <br /> market was not there for electric furnaces. <br /> Chair Wicklund commented for those serving on the Energy Advisory Committee, this may be a <br /> tension point. He stated there would need to be more discussion around this in order to make <br /> the residential housing work. <br /> Commissioner Monson explained she understood the residential side of this development <br /> would be the biggest challenge when it comes to being all electric. However, she believed a <br /> home could be built without a gas stove. Mr. Duval stated Alatus was very keen to the energy <br /> strategies for this development and was willing to dig deeper into the goals. He anticipated not <br /> everybody was ready for this type of development, but he also did not want to create a <br /> condition where opportunities were missed. He discussed how there was a lot of opportunities <br /> around electric vehicles that could be addressed through this development and to seek funding. <br /> Commissioner Monson indicated she was very practical when it came to this and she <br /> understood people wanted gas stoves, but she was looking at a bigger picture issue when it <br /> came to climate change. <br /> Commissioner Frethem stated the real question is, are there enough folks that could support <br /> this development being all electric and that would want to live in an energy forward <br /> community. <br /> 9 <br />