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<br />Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting, January 25, 1988 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />PARKS COMM. MTG. Councilmember Sather advised he was unable to attend the <br />Parks Committee meeting scheduled on 1/26/88; he advised <br />that the committee members Oaths of Office should be administered. Acting Mayor <br />Hansen stated she would attend and administer the oaths. <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />WATER TOWER LEVEL Councilmember Winiecki referred to the minutes of the <br />Public Safety/Works Committee meeting, 1/14/88, relative <br />to the water leveling problem with our new water tower; she requested the Public <br />Works Supervisor explain how the problem occurred and why the City would be <br />responaible for costs to correct the problem. <br /> <br />Raddatz explained the water tower leyel is supposed to be the same as the City of <br />Roseville, due to the fact we are on the same line; however, because of the <br />difference in the distance from their pumping station to our tower the pressure <br />valve shuts down when Roseville's tower is full, but prior to our tower reaching <br />'the recommended level. Raddatz advised that the original specifications for the <br />water tower, prepared by SEH, included a valve which would continue to allow the <br />pumps to run until our water tower reached the correct level; Raddatz explained <br />that the specifications were revised and the ones sent with the bids did not <br />include this valve. The estimated cost for the valve is approximately $15,000 and <br />related gauges and labor is estimated at another $15,000, for a total cost of <br />$30,000.00. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The Clerk Administrator advised that the Engineer and Raddatz had discussed the <br />possibility of expanding the water pipe on Hamline Avenue; they determined that <br />this may not alleviate the problem. <br /> <br />After discussion, Council suggested that Engineer Don Christoffersen be requested <br />to appear at the Regular Council meeting held on February 29, 1988, to discuss <br />how this problem occurred, what measures SEH would recommend to correct the <br />problem, and the responsibility for costs of correcting the problem. <br /> <br />PLANNER FEES <br /> <br />Councilmember Winiecki questioned the hourly rate <br />increase in the Planner's fees; also questioned how the <br />planning applications. She suggested it may be possible to <br />of the firm at a lower hourly rate. <br /> <br />increase would affect <br />employ another member <br /> <br />The Clerk Administrator advised that Orlyn Miller had recommended John Bergly due <br />to Bergly's experience and exposure to municipal planning; she noted that the <br />firm is not large. <br /> <br />Morrison explained she had meet with Bergly and discussed the fact that $45.00 <br />per hour was the amount budgeted for 1988; Bergly advised his normal fee was <br />$65.00 per hour, but suggested a rate of $50.00 per hour would be reasonable. <br />Morrison commented that the costs would be reviewed in conjunction with the 1989 <br />budget. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Morrison advised the applicants for planning cases are notified of the consultant <br />fee rates for Planner, Attorney and Engineer that are reimbursable. She explained <br />that the applicants would pay the higher rate of $60.00 per hour for the <br />Planner's services and the City would be charged $50.00 per hour for the <br />Planner's services. <br /> <br />COLLISION INS./SQUADS Councilmembers agreed with the Clerk Administrator's <br />recommendation to not pursue the collision insurance on <br />the squads; they determined the costs for repair of the vehicles would be more <br />reasonable than the insurance costs. <br /> <br />WORK SESSION WITH <br />FINANCE COMMITTEE <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Hansen recommended scheduling a work session <br />with members of the Council, members of the Finance <br />Committee, and the Clerk Administrator, to discuss <br />and setting policies. Council agreed that the meeting should <br />latter part of February or early March 1988. <br /> <br />budgeting procedures <br />be scheduled for the <br /> <br />Morrison advised she would discuss the recommendation with members of the Finance <br />Committee at their regular meeting held 1/28/88 and report on their response. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR <br /> <br />RENEWAL CHARITABLE <br />GAMBLING LICENSES <br /> <br />Council was referred to the applications for renewal of <br />Charitable Gambling Licenses for the following: <br />Original Boosters Club, St. Peter Claver Church, St. Paul <br />Turners and Twin City Area Youth Organization. <br />